My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 503 Sister-in-law, are you giving yourself to my brother?

After the two walked out of the campus, it was almost eight o'clock.

"Yiyi, thank you, thank you for still being willing to treat me as a friend."

Xie Yuze smiled sincerely at Lin Qian Yi.

Lin Qian Yi smiled slightly, and blinked mischievously, "We are good friends, aren't we?"

Hearing this, Xie Yuze smiled, and looked at Lin Qian Yi with gentle eyes as always, but without love.

All that remains is the brother's love for his sister.

"Yiyi, you want to be happy and be happy forever."

With that said, Xie Yuze stretched out his hand to Lin Qian Yi.

"Goodbye, my good friend. I will go to country S the day after tomorrow, so... we should, rarely have the chance to meet."

Lin Qian Yi reached out and shook his hand, "If possible, Xiaoqing and I will go back to see you, and visit country S by the way."

"Okay, welcome, I will definitely entertain you two good friends when the time comes."

Xie Yuze nodded and said jokingly.


Lin Qian Yi smiled slyly, "Shouldn't it be you and sister-in-law?"

Xie Yuze chuckled and nodded.

"Yes, your sister-in-law and I will definitely treat you well when the time comes, so that you can't bear to leave after playing in country S."

"It's getting late, you should go back."

The two walked to the car, and Xie Yuze opened the car door for Lin Qian Yi in a gentlemanly manner, "I hope your husband doesn't mind, my old friend wants to say goodbye to you."

Hearing this, Lin Qian Yi shook her head amusedly, "Let it go, he won't mind."

However, it is enough to be jealous.

"That's good."

Xie Yuze smiled relievedly, and after he got into the car, he closed the door, "Goodbye."

Lin Qian Yi looked out of the car window and waved her hand, "Goodbye, remember that you have to find happiness by yourself. I hope you can get it. It belongs to you."

Xie Yuze nodded gently, and watched the car gradually move away from the spot.


Not long after the car started, Lin Qian Yi received a call from Di Yanfeng unexpectedly.

"Sister-in-law, how is it? What surprise did you give my brother tonight? What other gifts did you give? Or did you give yourself to my brother?"

As soon as Lin Qian Yi connected the phone, Di Yanfeng's voice came out in succession.

Hearing this, Lin Qian Yi was dumbfounded.

"What surprise? Why do you want to give a gift?"

Lin Qian Yi looked confused, and then hummed:

"Also, can you be more pure in thinking? Be careful that Xiaoqing thinks you are too dirty, so I don't want you anymore."

"Hmph! No, my dear loves me so much, how could she not want me?"

Di Yanfeng snorted arrogantly for a moment.

Lin Qian Yi didn't need to think about it to know that the current Di Yanfeng must be extremely narcissistic about fried chicken.

Or the special kind of narcissism!

Immediately, Di Yanfeng seemed to remember the business, and said solemnly:

"By the way, sister-in-law, help me say happy birthday to my brother, I won't call him, so as not to disturb you, he will enslave me again."

However, Lin Qian Yi didn't hear what he said later.

Just because she was stunned by Di Yanfeng's birthday!

Did Di Yanfeng just say, his brother's birthday? That is, her fourth master? !

sky! Did she get it wrong? !

"What did you just say? Whose birthday are you talking about?!"

Lin Qian Yi asked in disbelief.

My heart was beating violently, but I was careful even when I breathed, lest I heard it wrong again.

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