My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 504 Sister-in-law, why don't you go home? Got into a fight with my brother?

However, Di Yanfeng's answer proved that she heard correctly.

"My brother, today is my brother's birthday. In previous years, we celebrated it for him, but this year he refused."

Di Yanfeng was on the phone, not feeling anything strange about Lin Qian Yi at all, and continued talking.

"Although brother didn't say how to live, we all know that he wants to live a two-person world with you."

After Di Yanfeng finished speaking, he didn't forget to laugh and joked, "How about sister-in-law, have you been moved by my brother?"

Lin Qian Yi, who was being teased, was completely stunned at this moment, not knowing how to react.

It's really her fourth master's birthday! ! !

But why no one told her? ! ! !

"Di Yanfeng! Why didn't you tell me earlier!!!"

After being dazed, Lin Qian Yi yelled at the phone.

Now she is going crazy!

On the other side of the phone, Di Yanfeng, who was still smiling, almost threw the phone away after being yelled at by her.

Di Yanfeng took out the ear painfully, and placed the mobile phone next to his ear again.

"I said sister-in-law, do you want to react so loudly? My ears were hurt by your lion's roar, and I hurt 10,000 points."

Di Yanfeng, who has always been used to being a dude, still hasn't discovered the key point.

Lin Qian Yi ignored Di Yanfeng's complaints.

Now, there is only one thought in her mind, and that is: she is finished!

No wonder her fourth master asked her to go back early today because he wanted to have dinner with her?

But, it's past eight o'clock now...

Is the cucumber dish cold?

The more Lin Qian Yi thought about it, the more bitter she became. She could even imagine that her fourth master Youyuan still had cold eyes.

However, she obviously sent a message to her fourth master.

Why can't her family's fourth master tell her that today is his birthday?

"Di Yanfeng! Your sister-in-law and I may not survive tonight, you must remember to collect the body for me."

Lin Qian Yi leaned against the back of the car seat, looking listless, looking hopeless.

"Ah? Sister-in-law, what's wrong with you? What happened to you?!"

Hearing what Lin Qian Yi said, Di Yanfeng was taken aback immediately, stood up suddenly and was about to rush out, ready to save someone.

However, Lin Qian Yi's next sentence made all his actions feel like the stop button was pressed.

Instantly turned into a living statue.

"It's a big deal. I'm still outside, and your brother, who is my fourth master, is waiting for me at home."

The more Lin Qian Yi said, the expression of lovelessness on her face became more vivid, "Do you think I won't live until tomorrow?"

It took a long time for Di Yanfeng, who was fixed as a statue, to stiffen and sit back on the sofa mechanically.

Di Yanfeng swallowed, and said weakly, "Sister-in-law, why don't you go home? Did you quarrel with my brother?"

Brother and sister-in-law quarrel? Then the people around them, don't they have to be cannon fodder again? !

No! ! !

He still wants to marry Xiaoqing and have a honeymoon, don't be sent to the North Pole by his brother, and accompany the baby polar bear!

Now I don't know that Lin Qian Yi has nothing to love in life, even Di Yanfeng feels that life has nothing to love.

"No, I didn't know at all, today is Yan Mo's birthday, no one told me, okay?"

Lin Qian Yi was about to cry.

Can she have a Doraemon? This way she could turn back time and go back to two hours ago.

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