My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 507 The beautiful scenery under the shirt makes Di Yanmo hot

If it was in the past, Di Yanmo would have hugged her in his arms long ago and loved her fiercely.

However, at this time, he turned a deaf ear to it.

Still handling her business indifferently, treating Lin Qian Yi as nothing.

There was no sign of anger or displeasure on Di Yanmo's face.

And it was precisely because of this that Lin Qian Yi's heart was even more uneasy, and it was even more worrying that she couldn't figure it out.

"Flame ink?"

Lin Qian Yi moved closer and looked up at him pitifully.

However, Di Yanmo still didn't respond at all.

Unwilling to give up, Lin Qian Yi stretched out her little paw, and boldly took the pen in his hand.

This time, Di Yanmo just glanced at her, his deep eyes were calm and unwavering, no longer the pampering of the past.

However, a look of amazement flashed across the lowered eyes.

The shirt she was wearing was his?

Thinking of the beautiful scenery under his shirt, a certain part of Di Yanmo became slightly hot.

The hotness in his body makes him want to hug the person who is strongly attracted to him into his arms.

However, it was firmly controlled by Di Yanmo's super self-control.

Lin Qian Yi didn't notice this subtle change in Di Yanmo.

Lin Qian Yi, who met Fourth Master's calm eyes, felt a sudden jump in her heart, and then died instantly.

When those deep eyes are without love.

Lin Qian Yi only felt that her heart seemed to be dead, without warmth.

Lin Qian Yi choked for breath, clenched her hands tightly, and a trace of grief flashed in her bright eyes.

"Yanmo, I'm sorry, I shouldn't miss the appointment."

Lin Qian Yi carefully held his cool hand, her bright eyes were foggy, and she stared straight at him.

The temperature in his hands caused Di Yanmo's deep eyes to flicker, but finally returned to calm.

"It's late, go to bed."

Di Yanmo withdrew his hand and said indifferently.

Listening to his indifferent words, Lin Qian Yi's nose turned sour, and the mist in her eyes became more obvious.

However, she still stubbornly endured, not letting tears come out of her eyes.

"don't want."

Lin Qian Yi suddenly grasped the big hand that he wanted to pull away, "I don't want to go to sleep by myself!"

Di Yanmo looked at the computer screen, his stern face was terribly cold, "Then do what you want, I'm working."

The subconscious meaning is, don't bother him.

Facing such a cruel fourth master for the first time, Lin Qian Yi was very hopeless and a little scared.

She never thought about the fourth master who dotes on her deeply.

One day, he would treat her with a cold and ruthless side.

"I'm doing what I want to do now, I'm here to admit my mistake, Yan Mo, don't be angry, okay?"

Lin Qian Yi held his hand tightly, her bright eyes were stubborn, "I was really wrong, there will never be a next time."

Di Yanmo pursed his lips, and a flash of anger flashed in his deep eyes.

The other hand that was not being held was clenched into a fist, and the veins bulged because of too much force.

"Wrong? What did you do wrong?"

Di Yanmo looked at her indifferently, with a hint of coldness on the corner of his mouth.

However, when his eyes fell on her faintly visible beauty, which was extremely tempting to him.

The deep eyes became like whirlpools, extremely dangerous and unfathomable.

Seeing that her fourth master finally paid attention to her, Lin Qian Yi was overjoyed, and hurriedly seized the opportunity.

"I shouldn't miss the appointment and let down Yan Mo's carefully prepared dinner and your heart."

Lin Qian Yi got a little closer to her fourth master again, and her entire upper body lay on the desk.

With his butt up, he sincerely admitted his mistake.

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