Di Yanmo narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at her dangerously, "Really? It seems that you don't really realize where you are wrong."

"You go, I want to work."

As he said that, Di Yanmo withdrew his gaze and looked at the computer screen again.

Hearing this, Lin Qian Yi frowned slightly, her bright eyes were full of puzzlement.

Where is she wrong? Didn't you miss the appointment?

After thinking about it, Lin Qian Yi couldn't think of anything else she did wrong besides missing the appointment.

She doesn't know his birthday?

But, it's not that no one told her, she was wronged too!

Suddenly, an idea flashed through Lin Qian Yi's mind.

Her fourth master, is she angry at her for going to see Xie Yuze? !

Moreover, because she went to see Xie Yuze, she missed the appointment with him!

After figuring this out, Lin Qian Yi leaned in again, and this time, her slender legs were straight up.

Like a mermaid.

"I shouldn't have missed your appointment with Yanmo because of Yuze. I'm sorry, can you forgive me? There will be no next time."

Lin Qian Yi held up three fingers, a weak guarantee.

At this moment, Lin Qian Yi's appearance was as pitiful as she wanted, and she almost burst into tears.

Di Yanmo's expression finally changed slightly.

"You still care about him."

Di Yanmo's deep eyes were dim and unclear, making it impossible to guess his thoughts.

Lin Qian Yi looked a little confused, but finally answered honestly, "He is my friend."


The corner of Di Yanmo's mouth twitched into sarcasm, "It's really just a friend? You know how he treats you, don't you?"

Di Yanmo's ridicule made Lin Qian Yi feel a pain in her heart.

"But I only regard him as a friend, and the person he loves now is not me."

Lin Qian Yi looked straight at him and explained patiently.

"so what?"

Di Yanmo was unmoved by Lin Qian Yi's explanation, but his deep eyes became more and more cold.

Di Yanmo's reaction made Lin Qian Yi feel powerless, and the pain in her heart almost made her suffocate.

"Yuze and I really have nothing."

Letting go of his hand, Lin Qian Yi knelt and sat on the desk, "Seventeen has already reported this to you, hasn't he?!"

Speaking of the latter, Lin Qian Yi's tone became very aggressive, with obvious irritability.

She didn't know why, but suddenly felt wronged.

She obviously didn't do anything, did she?

Obviously he didn't tell her that today is his birthday, right?

If she knew it was his birthday, she would definitely reject Xie Yuze and go home early.

Sensing her irritability, Di Yanmo pursed his lips into a straight line, and there was something hidden in his deep eyes.

"I know."

Di Yanmo spoke slowly, his tone was terrifyingly calm.

Lin Qian Yi's eyes widened, "You know? Since you know, why are you still angry?!"

In Lin Qian Yi's bright eyes, there was obvious anger and grievance.

"You chose him, that's enough!"

As soon as the words fell, Di Yanmo stood up suddenly, and walked out without even looking at Lin Qian Yi.

Seeing his leaving figure, Lin Qian Yi subconsciously wanted to reach out and pull him.

However, she forgot that she is kneeling on the desk now.

He got up in a panic, but suddenly stepped on the air, and his body fell to the ground in an instant, and he was still face down.

Such a fall would have disfigured his face.

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