My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 515 Don't worry, I will never forget you

Standing in front of the sink, looking at herself in the mirror, Lin Qian Yi replied indifferently, "Yes, I know."

Immediately, he turned around and entered the toilet cubicle, and said indifferently before entering, "It's not just Anyang who has problems."

Before Yan Shiqi could react, Lin Qian Yi had already closed the door.

As for Yan Shiqi standing outside, his eyes widened in shock.

Not only Anyang has problems?

That is……

Wanting those people in the private room, Yan Shiqi's eyes were full of sternness, those people dare to design her wife!

It is simply life and death!

Soon, Lin Qian Yi returned to the private room with an indifferent expression, as if nothing had happened.

As for Anyang, he was playing with the rest of the crew, as if nothing had ever happened.

However, the glances he glanced at Lin Qian Yi from time to time showed the extreme uneasiness in his heart.

Lin Qian Yi naturally noticed Anyang's gaze, but she didn't care.

What she cares more about now is what will happen next.

She didn't think that they would let go of such a good opportunity today!

as expected.

Ten minutes later, a female stage manager of the crew came over and handed her a glass of juice.

"I see that you've already finished your juice, so I'll bring you a glass by the way."

The field manager said with a smile, and at the same time raised another glass of juice in her hand.

Lin Qian Yi smiled slightly and took it, "Thank you."

The smile on the field manager's face became more obvious.

"You're welcome. Actually, I like you very much. It's really rare to see such a good-tempered artist like you."

The field manager said with a feeling.

However, there was no sense of emotion in her tone, but a hint of eagerness instead.

The corner of Lin Qian Yi's mouth curled slightly, "Really?"

"That's right, come on, let me toast you, and wish you a brighter and brighter future stardom. When the time comes, don't forget about my little job."

The field manager was forthright to Lin Qian Yi, but said it as if joking.

At the same time, he stretched out his cup and pointed it at Lin Qian Yi.

Lin Qian Yi raised her head, her bright eyes looked straight into the eyes of the admission officer.

The field manager was taken aback. How could she feel that Lin Qian Yi's eyes seemed to see through her? !

Under the anxiety of the field staff, Lin Qian Yi slowly raised her glass and clinked with her.

"Thank you, don't worry, I will never forget you."

Lin Qian Yi deliberately said the last sentence emphatically, so that the words could be clearly heard by the field manager.

An unprecedented panic appeared in the field manager's heart.

After watching Lin Qian Yi take a sip of the juice, the field manager couldn't wait to leave.

It was as if there was a demon chasing her behind her.

Isn't that right, in the eyes of the field staff.

The way Lin Qian Yi looked at her just now was like a god of death and a devil, which made her terrified!

Not long after Lin Qian Yi drank the juice, a person suddenly fell down.

Everyone screamed and panicked for a while, and then everyone proposed to send the man to the hospital.

However, almost everyone present had drunk alcohol and was not fit to drive at all.

Suddenly, someone pointed to Yan Shiqi who had been following Lin Qian Yi and hadn't even touched a drink.

"I see that the assistant next to her, Lin Qian Yi, seems to have never drunk alcohol, so let her take him to the hospital."

As soon as the words came out, everyone looked at Yan Shiqi one after another, and the meaning was self-evident.

Sensing everyone's stares, Yan Shiqi remained unmoved, and directly regarded them as transparent.

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