My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 516 Lin Qian Yi is in a conspiracy crisis?

See Yan Shiqi ignore them.

Everyone's eyes shifted to Lin Qian Yi in an instant.

Of course, Lin Qian Yi's reaction was destined to disappoint them.

Lin Qian Yi seemed to be drunk, with her arms folded around her chest, her head slightly lowered, as if she didn't feel the naked eyes of everyone.

In the end, it was director Wan Xuanmin who spoke.

"Miss Lin, one of us suddenly fell ill and collapsed, and needs to be sent to the hospital. I wonder if we can ask your assistant to send him to the hospital?"

Wan Xuanmin spoke with sincerity.

However, Lin Qian Yi remained motionless, still looking at the ground with her eyes half down.

Seeing that Lin Qian Yi was unmoved, some people immediately became anxious.

"Hey! I said Lin Qian Yi, your life is at stake now, how can you do nothing?! You are too cold-blooded!"

Someone in the crew suddenly scolded Lin Qian Yi.

Afterwards, people in the film crew began to hurl insults at Lin Qian Yi.

As for Lin Qian Yi, who lowered her head, the corner of her mouth curled up with a hint of sarcasm.

Since he had time to condemn her, why didn't he know how to call an ambulance?

Just when everyone scolded and became furious, they wanted to touch Lin Qian Yi.

Lin Qian Yi slowly raised her head, and looked at the crowd with a puzzled expression.

"What's wrong?"

It seemed a little surprised why so many people looked at her.

Seeing Lin Qian Yi's reaction, everyone chattered again and asked Yan Shiqi to take him to the hospital.

After listening to everyone's words, it took a long time before Lin Qian Yi nodded indifferently, "Sure, Seventeen, you can go and take someone to the hospital."

Lin Qian Yi looked at Yan Shiqi. The eyes that were originally looking at everyone's misty eyes suddenly became terribly bright.

Facing Lin Qian Yi's gaze, Yan Shiqi frowned, but in the end he followed Lin Qian Yi's words.

However, before sending it away, Yan Shiqi made a slight gesture with his hands behind his back.

It was not a gesture to Lin Qian Yi, but a gesture to the person in the dark.

After Yan Shiqi took away the suddenly fallen person, the lively atmosphere in the private room resumed again.

Lin Qian Yi, on the other hand, slowly closed her eyes, as if falling into a deep sleep.

"Qian Yi? Qian Yi, what's wrong with you? Are you drunk?"

After Lin Qian Yi closed her eyes.

The field manager who handed Lin Qian Yi the juice just now came to Lin Qian Yi's side and asked with concern.

However, no matter what she said, Lin Qian Yi never responded.

Seeing this, there was a flash of joy in the field manager's eyes.

Slowly helped Lin Qian Yi up and walked outside.

As for the field manager's move, the people in the private room didn't seem to notice it.

However, looking at Lin Qian Yi who was taken away, a gleam flashed in the eyes of some people in the private room.

The field manager carefully led Lin Qian Yi to the second floor. The closer he got to the destination, the more obvious the smile on the field manager's face became.

She almost foresaw that she would have a beautiful life in the future.

Taking Lin Qian Yi to the room at the end of the corridor on the second floor, the field manager quickly opened the door and took Lin Qian Yi inside.

On the bed in the room, a middle-aged man with a shirtless upper body was sitting.

Seeing the field manager bring a person in, he immediately ran over with a wretched expression.

"That's her? Tsk tsk, she's really a good girl. If it wasn't for the time constraints, I really want to make a fake show with her."

The middle-aged man could see clearly that behind the face of Lin Qian Yi who was being helped in, the wretched smile on his face became more intense.

Rubbing her fat hands together, she looked eager to try.

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