Seeing the wretched appearance of the middle-aged man, the field manager immediately frowned and looked displeased.

"Put away your thoughts that you shouldn't have, we don't have much time, if things get messed up, you and I can't afford to go around!"

The field manager sternly warned the man.

Immediately, regardless of the man's ugly face, he helped Lin Qian Yi to the side of the bed, just about to put her down.

Lin Qian Yi, who had her eyes closed, opened them suddenly, before the field manager could react.

The hand knife suddenly landed on the back of the field manager's neck.

After solving the field affairs, Lin Qian Yi flashed behind the middle-aged man who hadn't reacted yet.

Concocted in accordance with the law, a hand knife slashed the man unconscious.

Lin Qian Yi first ran to the window and looked at the situation under the window.

Then he turned around, glanced at the man lying on the ground, and then looked at the field manager who was half lying on the bed.

Lin Qian Yi walked over to that side.

Then, he quickly tore off the clothes on her upper body, and threw her onto the middle-aged man.

Looking at the two people who were very 'close' stacked together, Lin Qian Yi raised her brows slightly, and the corner of her mouth curled up in a sneer.

After finishing all this, Lin Qian Yi walked to the door, opened the door a little, stretched out her hand, and hooked her fingers slightly.

Then he quickly left the door, ran to the window and jumped, jumping directly from the second floor to the ground of the first floor.

The place where you jumped off is a back alley.

In addition, it is night now, so I didn't pass here at all.

After Lin Qian Yi easily jumped to the ground, she quickly dodged and hid in a blind spot.

Looking up at the window from which she jumped, she seemed to be waiting for something.

The moment Lin Qian Yi hid in a corner, there was a commotion in the upstairs room.

It was as if countless people suddenly appeared in that room.

And Lin Qian Yi, who had been staring at the window of the room, clearly saw a day-bright flash flashing from the room.

Lin Qian Yi narrowed her eyes dangerously.

It's really unexpected that they spent so much effort to get two groups of reporters to deal with her.

Should she be honored?

Thinking of this, the corners of Lin Qian Yi's mouth curled up, but her bright eyes shone with biting coldness.

The commotion in the room quickly stopped.

Then, Lin Qian Yi saw a familiar face appearing in front of the window.

Wan Xuanmin!

This person who has always praised her and recognized her.

It's ridiculous that now he actually wants to destroy her reputation!

Sure enough, the saying that people's hearts are unpredictable is an eternal truth.

inside the room.

Looking at the empty alley, Wan Xuanmin's expression was extremely complicated, and even more frightened.

He knew that Lin Qian Yi had already discovered their conspiracy.

However, she still followed their plan and did everything she could.

The purpose is to lead out the people behind the scenes!

Thinking of this, Wan Xuanmin suddenly showed a look of fear, and the fear in his eyes was not concealed.

At the same time, he subconsciously escaped from the window.

It seemed that the window was a scourge that would suck him into a place of eternal doom.

"It's over, it's over..."

Wan Xuanmin seemed to be drained of all his strength in an instant, and sat down on the ground in a dejected state, his eyes filled with despair.

Thinking of the tricks of the man behind Lin Qian Yi.

Wan Xuanmin felt that all thoughts were lost. What he thought he was about to get a moment ago turned into powder in an instant at this moment.

At this moment, Wan Xuanmin's heart was full of remorse!

However, the world never goes back in time.

Therefore, what awaits him will be an eternal dark world!

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