My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 525 They are mad dogs, whoever catches and bites

Immediately, before Di Beiping could speak, Di Beiting spoke again:

"Brother, you came here to have breakfast with us, right? Eat, the breakfast here is good, as you said, don't waste it."

With that said, he turned the dim sum to Di Beiping's side.

However, after the one-man show just now, Di Beiping didn't bother to do anything.

"No, we still don't want to eat, lest God cut my life!"

Di Beiping said coldly, got up and pushed Di Bowen to leave.

When he reached the door, he stopped suddenly.

"By the way, such a big thing happened outside, and you, as father-in-law and mother-in-law, are still in the mood to eat snacks here. It's really... you can see it."

Di Beiping turned his back to the crowd, and his cold words meant something.

Immediately, without waiting for Di Beiting and the others to ask questions, he pushed them away.

Looking at the back of Di Beiping leaving, both Di Beiping and Sun Qian frowned.

He just said, as father-in-law and mother-in-law?

That is to say, the outside things he said are related to their daughter-in-law? !

Di Beiting and Sun Qian looked at each other silently, and then quickly restrained the thoughts in their eyes.

"Mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, don't worry about them, they are just mad dogs who catch and bite, just ignore them."

Sensing the cold atmosphere in the private room, Sun Qian hurriedly adjusted the atmosphere.

Although they could hear what Di Beiping meant, Di Beiting and Sun Qian believed in their daughter-in-law very much.

After these months of getting along, they knew very well who their daughter-in-law was.

Even if there is any scandal about the daughter-in-law in the outside world, it is absolutely fabricated from nothing!

Seeing what Sun Qian said, Xia Yuwei also smiled again, suppressing the uneasiness in her heart.

As for Lin Qian Yi, everything was in her mind, and a dark light flashed in her bright eyes.

After eating breakfast, Sun Qian originally thought about going shopping with her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

However, Di Beiping's sudden appearance just now made her feel a little uneasy.

So I hurriedly bid farewell to my mother-in-law.

Seeing the car leave, Xia Yuwei immediately looked worried, and looked at her precious daughter.

"Yiyi, do you know what happened?"

Xia Yuwei frowned.

"Mom, get in the car first."

Lin Qian Yi didn't answer, but opened the door beside her and let Xia Yuwei get in the car.

It was obvious that Di Beiping had come from a bad place just now.

She always felt that something that happened to her seemed to have something to do with him.

So, let's get out of here first, after all, who knows if another group of reporters will suddenly appear?

Sure enough, just as the two got into the car, a group of people suddenly ran towards them.

The cameras in their hands have already clearly stated that they are reporters.

"Seventeen, get rid of them."

Lin Qian Yi's face turned cold, and a piercing chill shot out from her eyes.

"It's Madam."

Yan Shiqi also lowered his face.

The car turned a corner suddenly, and when the reporters realized it, they were left with a car buttock.

Facing the car with only one buttock left, the reporters kept snapping photos.

It seems that you can penetrate the car and take pictures of the people inside.

"Mom, are you okay?"

Before the car started, Lin Qian Yi let go and hugged her mother's hands.

Xia Yuwei's face was a little ugly, not because of her precious daughter, but because she felt that something big had happened to her daughter!

A big event that made her extremely uneasy!

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