My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 526 Got struck by lightning when going out, fell into a pit while walking, and was blown awa

"Yiyi, tell mom honestly, what happened to you?"

Xia Yuwei grabbed her daughter's hand and asked sternly.

She rarely watched the news, so she didn't know anything about her daughter's news.

Not that she doesn't care about her daughter.

Instead, he clearly knows that in the entertainment circle, many scandals are based on rumors and rumors.

She believed in her daughter, so she didn't believe the scandals outside at all.

However, what happened just now made Xia Yuwei realize the seriousness, so she couldn't help but worry.

Lin Qian Yi sighed slightly, and explained what happened last night one by one.

Xia Yuwei was terrified when she heard that!

If those people really succeeded, then her daughter...

Thinking of the consequences, Xia Yuwei couldn't help being frightened, her hands trembled slightly with fear.

"Mom, I'm fine. It's not like you don't know my abilities. How could they have calculated me so easily?"

Lin Qian Yi held her mother's hand with one hand, and patted her back with the other to comfort her.

"How powerful is your ability?! Don't you know the saying that you can't defend yourself?!"

Seeing her daughter's indifferent face, Xia Yuwei became a little angry.

She is just such a precious daughter. If there is something wrong with her daughter, how can she live as a mother? !

Lin Qian Yi smiled helplessly.

"I know, I know, but others don't like me. If they want to do something to me, I have no choice. I can only see the tricks."

With that said, Lin Qian Yi shrugged helplessly.

She was a little skeptical, whether she was using a black body, why did she feel that someone wanted to attack her all the time?

In the past, it was Xia Baizhi, Yu Yao, etc., now it is Wan Xuanmin, and the person in the dark.

"Which bastard is it! He actually laid a cruel hand on my beloved daughter!"

It seemed that she also knew that her daughter was a black body, so Xia Yuwei cursed angrily.

"My old lady cursed those bastards. They were struck by lightning when they went out, fell into a pit when they walked, and their clothes were blown away by the wind when they went to the street! Let them parade in the street!"

The more Xia Yuwei scolded, the angrier she became, and there was almost no smoke coming out of her head.

Looking at her mother who had returned to the tough mode, Lin Qian Yi couldn't help laughing.

Her mother said that the wind is the rain.

"By the way, have you asked your son-in-law to find out who is targeting you? The son-in-law is the king of city A, so he should be able to find out soon."

Xia Yuwei suddenly thought of something, looked at her daughter and asked.

Then, without waiting for an answer, he continued:

"After you find out who it is, remember to tell mom, mom will copy the guy to avenge you, and blow up those bastards!"

Xia Yuwei gritted her teeth fiercely.

Her precious daughter, how could she allow those bastards to bully her!

"Okay, I'm already looking into it, but there's no news yet."

Lin Qian Yi nodded obediently while comforting her frizzy mother.

Seeing her daughter so well-behaved, the anger in Xia Yuwei's heart was only extinguished for a while.

"That baby girl, do you guess who did it?"

Xia Yuwei suddenly changed her words and stared at her daughter, not letting go of any marks on her face.

The corner of Lin Qian Yi's mouth twitched slightly, just as she was about to speak, she was interrupted by Xia Yuwei.

"Don't tell my old lady, you didn't guess it at all, my old lady won't believe it!"

Xia Yuwei raised her chin proudly, squinting at her daughter, her tone was very affirmative.

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