My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 527 Madam's brain is about to go to heaven, is it true!

Looking at her proud mother, Lin Qian Yi silently cursed in her heart: Her mother, she must be a roundworm in her stomach!

In the end, under Xia Yuwei's threatening gaze, Lin Qian Yi had no choice but to compromise.

"I'm not sure whether the person in the dark is the person I guessed, but what I can be sure of is that it must be related to Di Beiping and his son."

Lin Qian Yi frowned and said her guess.

If Di Beiping and Di Bowen didn't show up today.

It is still difficult for her to guess who is trying so hard to ruin her reputation.

People from the Xia family don't have that ability, so only those from the Di family are left.

For those in the Di family, she is fourth master's weakness, as long as they catch her weakness.

It's easy to get rid of fourth master.

However, they alone miscalculated Lin Qian Yi's ability.

She is not necessarily a weakness, but may be a help!

"Emperor Beiping and his son?"

Hearing a strange name, Xia Yuwei frowned slightly, and suddenly her eyes lit up.

"Di Beiping and his son, couldn't they be those two bastards just now?!"

Xia Yuwei's eyes widened, she looked at her daughter uncertainly.


Lin Qian Yi nodded.

"I'm going! You told my mother earlier, if I knew it was those two bastards, my mother would have gone up and slapped them to death! Let their hearts be so dark, they deserve to have their legs crippled!"

Xia Yuwei, who had just been patted down, suddenly became furious again.

That posture was as if he wanted to turn around immediately and beat the father and son of Emperor Beiping to death.

"Mom, don't be angry, if you get angry again, your crow's feet should appear again."

Lin Qian Yi continued to smooth her hair patiently.

Hearing this, Xia Yuwei was startled immediately, and carefully touched the corners of her eyes with both hands.

Still muttering to himself:

"No way, no way, I was just angry for a while, I probably won't come out, it took me a whole month to make the crow's feet disappear, but I can't let them come out again."

Seeing her mother nervously taking out the mirror to check her crow's feet, the corners of Lin Qian Yi's mouth curled up.

And Yan Shiqi, who was driving in the front seat, couldn't hide the surprise in his eyes after hearing Lin Qian Yi's words.

Her wife is too powerful!

Just based on Di Beiping's appearance, and then he said something, he guessed that it was Di Beiping and his son.

The madam's mind is going to go to heaven, is it true!


the other side.

After Sun Qian got into the car, she couldn't wait to take out her mobile phone and check the news.

After clicking on Wan Xuanmin's interview, Sun Qian was so angry that she almost dropped her phone.

The big benefactor of fart, the big benefactor is her daughter-in-law's husband!

Fucking mistress, her daughter-in-law got a certificate from her son!

The fart's feet are in a few boats, her daughter-in-law doesn't know how dedicated she is, she is simply devoted to her ice cube son, okay!

Of course, her ice cube son is also devoted to his daughter-in-law!

"Bei Ting, we have to take care of this matter! The wedding hasn't even happened yet, we can't just let our daughter-in-law suffer!"

Sun Qian put away her phone angrily, and said harshly.

Di Beiting's face was also terribly gloomy.

"Well, let's find our son first, he should have already taken action, we can't disrupt it."

Although Di Beiting was also angry, he quickly calmed down and did not act alone.

Sun Qian, who originally wanted to act alone, nodded after hearing her husband's words.

The power behind their son is much stronger than that of the Emperor's family.

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