"Yes, daughter-in-law, you said that we are a family, how can a family care about it?"

Sun Qian also looked at Lin Qian Yi pretending to blame.

Hearing this, Lin Qian Yi smiled brightly, and obediently admitted her mistake, "I was stupid."

"Don't worry, it will be resolved soon."

Di Yanmo, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke to his little wife.

Rubbing her small head with his big hand, there was a trace of assurance in his deep eyes.

Lin Qian Yi met his doting eyes and nodded, "I believe in you."

Seeing the two silently looking at each other, showing their affection invisibly, everyone present couldn't help rubbing their arms.

Their goosebumps are getting better!

"Xiaofeng, have you found out who is behind the scenes of the sister-in-law?"

Without her husband by her side, Di Yanwei, who resisted the skill of showing affection, quickly shifted her attention to other places.

Di Yanwei's question made everyone look at Di Yanfeng.

"Well, I found it."

Di Yanfeng turned serious.

He turned on the computer he had brought, clicked a few times, and then turned the computer over so that everyone could see the photos on the screen.

"The person in the photo is the royal prince of Country B, named Guo Jindou. He was attacked in Country A ten years ago and happened to be rescued by Emperor Beiping. The two have no connection on the surface, but they have a secret connection in private."

Di Yanfeng pointed to the computer screen and narrated.

"Furthermore, the reason why the second uncle died suddenly five years ago was because Emperor Beiping asked Guo Jindou to solve the second uncle silently in Country B."

After hearing Di Yanfeng's narration, everyone except Di Yanmo's face became heavy.

It's okay if it's from other forces, but that person is the prince of a royal family, so it's a bit difficult to deal with.

Once the prince is moved, it will be a matter for the whole country B.

After seeing their expressions, Di Yanfeng continued:

"Sister-in-law's business was done by Guo Jindou, and most of those reporters came to City A from other countries."

"The last time Di Beiping and Di Bowen sang a one-man show for you, he probably planned to start tearing faces with us. Moreover, he seems to have reached some agreement with Guo Jindou. As for what agreement, I haven't found out yet."

After finishing speaking, Di Yanfeng did not forget to remind:

"Tomorrow we will fight back. When you go out in the future, you have to be careful. After all, you will jump over the wall if you are in a hurry, not to mention that Di Beiping is still a lunatic!"

Everyone nodded, agreeing with Di Yanfeng's words.

"His son, who has passed on from generation to generation, has his legs crippled by us. He will definitely not let it go. You should be careful in doing things."

Thinking of the last time she was in the hotel, she stared at her eyes full of hatred, Sun Qian said with some lingering fear.

"Well, we'll be careful."

Di Yanfeng nodded seriously.

This time, it's a big confrontation, if one is not good, the whole game may be lost, so we have to be cautious.

"By the way, how about my daughter-in-law taking my mother-in-law to live with us? That way I can feel more at ease."

Sun Qian suddenly looked at Lin Qian Yi and asked.

Lin Qian Yi thought for a while, and finally nodded, "Okay, I will trouble my parents."

She wanted to take her mother into the villa, but then thought that now Di Beiping's goal was to get her.

If you bring your mother with you, it will undoubtedly be more dangerous.

Moreover, her fourth master, whenever she is free, will arrest her to the Emperor's Group.

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