My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 530 When she is a sow, how many will she give birth to in one litter?

Therefore, it is better to let the mother live with the parents-in-law.

"No trouble, no trouble. The family is so big, and there are only two of us. Now that one more person comes to accompany me, I'm too late to be happy."

Sun Qian waved her hand and said with a smile.

Then she looked at her husband, "Right, husband?"

Di Beiting also nodded with a smile, "Yes, it's more lively with one more person."

Suddenly, Sun Qian's eyes lit up and she nodded repeatedly.

"Yes, yes, let's make it more lively. If the daughter-in-law can give birth to a few buns as soon as possible, it will be even more lively."

Sun Qian looked at Lin Qian Yi with bare eyes, her eyes were undisguised, so there was nothing wrong with it!

Lin Qian Yi was immediately embarrassed.

How many buns?

When she is a sow, how many will she give birth to in one litter? !


Di Yanfeng sprayed it directly.

"I said, Mom, how short are you of little buns? How many did you let Xiaoqing have, and now how many do you let my sister-in-law have? Are you a team football player?"

The black line on Di Yanfeng's face, her mother is really drunk.

Why does he never leave the little buns every day?

"What's wrong with my old lady's lack? If you have the ability, you can jump out for my old lady!"

Sun Qian was arrogant. Among her friends, there were daughter-in-laws and daughter-in-laws, and buns and buns.

Now she finally had a daughter-in-law with great difficulty, plus a daughter-in-law who has not yet received a certificate.

The result is still wooden buns.

Can she be in a hurry? ah? !

This time, Di Yanfeng shut up.

Just kidding, he is a man, okay, how do you get out the little bun? !

After discussing the counterattack plan, Sun Qian couldn't wait, and took her husband to pick up her mother-in-law and live in her house.

Before that, Lin Qian Yi called her mother.

Xu Shi knew the seriousness of the matter, Xia Yuwei did not object, but reassured Lin Qian Yi.


the next day.

When Lin Qian Yi's scandal had just subsided a bit.

A new report about Lin Qian Yi once again appeared in everyone's field of vision.

However, this report was not Hei Lin Qian Yi's, but presented Lin Qian Yi's excellence to everyone.

Including the awards she has won, as well as the praise she received in school and the recognition of her acting skills.

At the same time, a lot of black material was exposed.

Of course, it was the black material of those who participated in the design to frame Lin Qian Yi, including the director Wan Xuanmin.

Those scandals ranged from trivial matters to major matters, and even crimes against the law were exposed.

As a result, most of Wan Xuanmin and others were arrested and charged with various crimes.

For those crimes, those who received the least sentence were sentenced to more than three years in prison, and the most were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of less than ten years.

Gradually, those reports about Heilin Qianyi gradually disappeared.

And the reports about Bai Lin Qian Yi poured into everyone's attention one after another.

Some people still believed in Lin Qian Yi's scandal, but they were not as fierce as before.

After all, so much evidence was laid out.

If you make trouble again, it seems a bit deliberate.

five days later.

In country B, there was also a news storm.

Just because their Prince Guo Jindou, the next heir to the throne, killed several civilians for no reason.

And the reason was that those civilians didn't want to be his mistresses, so in a rage, they all killed them and threw their bodies away!

There is evidence for this report, and there are even photos of the women who were killed and dumped.

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