"It's okay, let's go up."

Lin Qian Yi held his big hand that stroked her face, and looked up at her fourth master.


Di Yanmo nodded slightly, and walked into the elevator with his arms around her.

In the elevator, Lin Qian Yi remained silent, staring blankly at the front, as if she still couldn't recover.

And Di Yanmo hugged her all the time, and gently stroked her quilt with his other big hand, comforting her silently.

Although he didn't know what happened to his little wife, he would wait until his little wife was willing to speak out.

Lin Qian Yi was supported by her fourth master to sit on the sofa, and her little hand tightly held fourth master's big hand.

Di Yanmo let her hold her, turned his gaze, and looked coldly at Yan Shiqi who followed.

"Ye Li."

Di Yanmo uttered a name coldly.

"Back to the boss, Ye Li is already on his way."

Yan Shiqi tried his best to conceal the excitement and joy in his heart, and replied with a respectful face.

Di Yanmo withdrew his gaze, and continued to comfort his little wife silently.

After a long time, Lin Qian Yi looked up at her fourth master with a complicated expression, as if she didn't know how to speak.

Feeling his little wife's gaze, Di Yanmo lowered his head to meet her bright eyes, and gently rubbed her little head with his big hands.

"If you don't want to say it, don't say it, it's okay."

Di Yanmo saw her entanglement, leaned over and kissed her between the brows.

Lin Qian Yi shook her head and looked straight at him, "I... just don't know what to say."

"Then think slowly, don't rush."

Di Yanmo curled his lips into a smile, his deep eyes filled with doting on his little wife.

Looking at those eyes that were always full of doting when looking at her.

Lin Qian Yi felt a little overwhelmed, but immediately calmed down.

Lin Qian Yi took his big hand and slowly covered her stomach. Her bright eyes were a little excited.

"Yanmo, I, I seem to have our little bun."

Lin Qian Yi looked straight at him, an excited and joyful smile slowly appeared on her beautiful little face.

Hearing this, the expression on Di Yanmo's face did not change at all.

However, the emotions in his deep eyes were surging.

With a slight movement of his big hand, he moved a little closer to her belly, staring at her belly.

After a long time, Di Yanmo looked at his little wife's little face again, and moved slightly closer to her forehead.

"It's been hard work, are you still suffering?"

Di Yanmo carefully hugged her into his arms, as if he was afraid that the person in his arms would shatter.

Her fourth master seemed calm.

However, Lin Qian Yi could clearly feel the joy in his heart and the obvious tension in his voice.

"It's not hard, it's much better."

Lin Qian Yi also put her arms around her fourth master's waist, nestling comfortably in her generous arms.

The two looked at each other quietly.

Feeling each other's body temperature, it seems that they can feel full of love from each other.

In the end, both of them had joyful smiles on their faces, and the warmth between them escalated instantly.

However, such a beautiful scene was quickly broken by the person who pushed the door in.

"Boss! What happened? Are you hurt?"

As soon as Ye Li opened the door and came in, he exaggeratedly shouted and asked.

However, when he saw the two hugging each other and looking at each other, his eyes widened, and then he looked resentful.

The boss called him here in a hurry, just to see him show affection with his sister-in-law? !

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