My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 536 Isn't it immoral to show affection in front of a single man?

Ye Li immediately became angry!

Regardless of the majesty of his boss, he directly walked to the two and sat down opposite each other in a huff.

"I said boss, sister-in-law, you are too unkind, do you know that I came all the way here?!"

"I didn't even eat lunch, so I rushed here at an extraordinary speed, and you! You are now showing affection in front of me, a single dog? Isn't it too unkind and immoral?!"

As soon as he sat down, Ye Li complained and complained, as if he had been wronged so much.

The two people who were accused ignored him and continued to show their affection.

"Are you tired from walking just now?"

The distance between the two was slightly separated, Di Yanmo took a pillow from the side, and placed it behind his little wife.

"Put it on, it will feel better. If you are tired, go to the room inside and have a good rest. If you feel uncomfortable, tell me."

With his low voice, Di Yanmo gently instructed his little wife.

It's simply too gentle, too pampered, too cruel to kill a single dog, is there any!

Regarding her fourth master's being more careful, the smile on Lin Qian Yi's face remained undiminished, and her bright eyes were full of happiness.


Lin Qian Yi nodded obediently.

Ye Li, who was ignored by the side, suffered tens of millions of damage in an instant, and he was almost foaming at the mouth.

"I said, you two, can't you give me such a little sympathy?"

Ye Li said fiercely, his eyes should not be too resentful.

"Be careful to show more affection, share..."

Ye Li was still mourning in bits and pieces, but suddenly, a piercing cold gaze shot at him.

What he hadn't finished saying later got stuck in his throat in an instant, he couldn't get up and down, and almost suffocated him to death.

Ye Li, who realized that he touched Diyan Molei's point, quickly shut his mouth, with a look on his face that I knew I was wrong.

Lin Qian Yi watched Ye Li's various emotional changes, and the smile on her face became more intense.

"Ye Li, can you please take a look for me?"

Subconsciously, Lin Qian Yi raised her hand and looked at Ye Li.

Comparing his sister-in-law's 'good attitude' with that of his boss, Ye Li instantly felt that he was valued by his sister-in-law.

Therefore, Ye Li, who had a very good attitude, walked over in an instant.

Seeing a doctor for my sister-in-law.

Di Yanmo looked at the little hand raised by the little wife, his eyes flickered, took a pillow again, and put it on the other side of the little wife.

"It will be tiring."

Di Yanmo carefully placed his little wife's little hand on the pillow.

Regarding her fourth master's cautiousness, Lin Qian Yi was not only amused, but also thought her fourth master was really cute.

Fourth Master, who became a father, seems to be a little more cute?

Lin Qian Yi couldn't help thinking mischievously.

Ye Li, who had just walked over, was severely abused in an instant.

Ye Li, who had suffered tens of thousands of injuries, limply stretched out his hand to catch his sister-in-law's pulse.

Just as he got his pulse, Ye Li suddenly remembered that he didn't seem to have asked his sister-in-law what was wrong.

Just when he was about to ask, Ye Li suddenly widened his eyes and stared at Lin Qian Yi.

It looked like seeing a peerless treasure.

"Don't you want eyes?"

When Ye Li stared at Lin Qian Yi, unable to recover for a long time.

A voice full of coldness suddenly entered Ye Li's ears, making him tremble instantly.

Feeling the chill from the boss, Ye Li subconsciously withdrew his eyes in fear, and withdrew his claws along the way.

However, there was an excited smile on his face, smiling like a fool.

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