As a member of the Xia family, and someone who was rejected and calculated by the Xia family, Xia Yuwei was convinced that she still had a good sense of seeing people.

Seeing the worry in her mother's eyes, Lin Qian Yi nodded, and responded obediently, "Okay, I will."

Fifteen minutes later, Che Yifei smiled again and came in front of several people.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

Che Yifei said with a little apology, but her good mood had been clearly shown on her face.

"It's okay, we came early."

Lin Qian Yi shook her head slightly, "It seems that your other friends haven't come yet, do you want to sit down and chat for a while?"

Looking at Che Yifei's gaze, Lin Qian Yi knew what her gaze meant without thinking.

She could clearly see Che Yifei's appearance of wanting to get closer but struggling.

Born in such a big family, she actually showed her emotions in front of others without any concealment.

I have to say that Che Yifei was really well protected.


Che Yifei nodded happily, and then sat down quickly, lest Lin Qian Yi would regret it if she took a step too late.

Seeing this, Lin Qian Yi smiled helplessly.

After a few people chatted for about half an hour.

An elegantly dressed woman walked towards them.

"Feifei, so you are here."

The woman smiled slightly, walked to Che Yifei's side, reached out and patted her head lovingly.

Immediately, she looked at Lin Qian Yi and the others kindly:

"Hello, I'm Feifei's mother. We are very happy that you can come to Feifei's birthday party. I hope you have a good time tonight."

She is clear about her daughter's temperament.

If you don't really like it, you won't take the initiative to invite you to your birthday party.

Che Yifei's face resembled Mother Che's. Lin Qian Yi knew their relationship without Mother Che's introduction.

"Hello, Auntie, Yifei is very good, and I am very happy to be friends with Yifei."

Lin Qian Yi stood up politely, and nodded to Mother Che.

At the same time, without any trace, he praised Che Yifei.

Sure enough, when she heard her daughter being praised, the smile on Che's mother's face became a little more sincere.

After a few people chatted politely, Mother Che took away the somewhat unwilling Che Yifei.

After all, they were not the only ones at this birthday party.

Soon, all those guests came.

The cake was cut on time at 6:30, and then, all kinds of gatherings and chats that are common at banquets.

Lin Qian Yi felt that she seemed a little tired. She didn't know if it was because she was pregnant or because she didn't exercise too much recently.

Lin Qian Yi got up to look for Che Yifei, and felt that it would be better to say hello to her before leaving.

Xia Yuwei, who has been following her daughter closely, saw that nothing bad happened during the meeting.

Immediately, she felt that her uneasiness before was probably overthinking.

When Lin Qian Yi found Che Yifei, she was with Qiu Yuxian.

For Qiu Yuxian, she was somewhat repulsive.

When they met for the first time, she felt that Qiu Yuxian was looking at her strangely.

Although she didn't know why she felt weird, she still subconsciously guarded against Qiu Yuxian.

Che Yifei and Qiu Yuxian are not the same kind of people, although she doesn't know why they became friends.

When seeing Lin Qian Yi approaching, Qiu Yuxian, who was happily chatting with others, had a slight twinkle in her eyes.

Then, calm was quickly restored.

Lin Qian Yi explained to Che Yifei that she would leave first. Although Che Yifei was a little bit reluctant, she knew she couldn't force it.

"Okay, shall I take you out?"

Che Yifei retreated and looked at Lin Qian Yi eagerly, hoping that she would not refuse.

Meeting her clear eyes, Lin Qian Yi nodded and agreed.

Che Yifei immediately had a bright smile on his face again, and happily sent Lin Qian Yi and the others out.

And Qiu Yuxian followed behind without a trace.

ps: Sorry dears, I feel a little uncomfortable today, I got up late, and the remaining eight chapters will be updated later~~Group hugs~

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