My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 545 Without you, what would Di Yanmo, the emperor, be like?

Lin Qian Yi only sent Che Yifei to the door of the villa, and walked to the place where she parked just now.

The yard of Che Yifei's house is very large, even if there are more than 30 cars, it doesn't look crowded.

Looking at Lin Qian Yi's figure, Che Yifei was a little bit reluctant.

If possible, she really wanted to invite only Lin Qian Yi, and then the two of them would hang out like ordinary friends.

Instead of thinking about it now, you have to deal with those hypocritical faces.

"What's wrong? Are you unhappy?"

Qiu Yuxian walked behind Che Yifei, smiled gracefully, and asked softly.

Che Yifei nodded lazily, "Qian Yi is gone, I haven't even talked to her properly yet."

Qiu Yuxian smiled slightly, and patted her on the shoulder comfortingly.

"Don't you want to surprise Qian Yi? Why don't you see any action? Have you changed your mind?"

Qiu Yuxian said suspiciously.

Che Yifei's eyes widened suddenly, with a bitter look of remorse.

"I forgot!!! What to do, what to do!! She is gone, it's all my fault, how can I forget such an important thing!"

Che Yifei frowned, a little mad.

She was pulled to talk by those women just now, and she was forgotten.

She also thought that if Lin Qian Yi saw that surprise, she might have a better impression of her.

"She should just get in the car now, you can call directly and ask her to wait for you behind your villa, isn't it all right?"

Qiu Yuxian shook her head, seemingly helpless.

Hearing this, Che Yifei glanced at her with some hesitation, "This is not good, Qian Yi said just now that she was going home."

"There's nothing wrong with that. Your surprise doesn't take long, and it can make your friendship better. Why give up this opportunity?"

Qiu Yuxian encouraged her, and then pushed her forward a little.

"Go ahead. If you miss this opportunity, it will be very difficult next time. After all, she is pregnant now, and there are very few opportunities to come out."

After hearing Qiu Yuxian's words, Che Yifei immediately became nervous.

"Then I'm going, please tell my mother that I'll be back soon."

After finishing speaking, Che Yifei couldn't wait, took out her phone to call Lin Qian Yi, and at the same time ran to a car quickly to the back of the villa.

Looking at the leaving car, the corners of Qiu Yuxian's mouth curled into a strange arc, and her dark eyes shone with a conspiracy.

"Lin Qian Yi, I'm really looking forward to what Di Yanmo, the emperor, will be like in this world without you!"

Qiu Yuxian muttered to herself, her delicate face was slightly distorted.


Looking at the unfamiliar phone number, Lin Qian Yi frowned slightly, not wanting to answer it at first.

However, the phone rang persistently, and Lin Qian Yi answered it.

"Hello, who is it?"

After answering the phone, Lin Qian Yi asked politely.

Hearing that the call was finally connected, Che Yifei was overjoyed.

"Qianyi, it's me, Yifei."

Che Yifei suddenly became a little nervous.

Hearing this, Lin Qian Yi was a little surprised, and then asked in surprise, "Oh, Yifei, what's wrong?"

She seemed to be a little nervous when she heard Che Yifei's voice?

"Qian Yi, I forgot to give you something just now. You haven't gone far yet, have you? Can you come to the back of the villa? I want to give you something."

Che Yifei said anxiously.

His hands were even more tense, holding the steering wheel tightly.

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