Although she doesn't dislike fireworks and roses, they are not her favorite either.

Sensing that Lin Qian Yi's tone was wrong, Che Yifei suddenly raised her head in a little panic, just about to speak.

Suddenly, a dozen men in black appeared in the darkness, holding a dagger in their hands.

Those daggers looked extraordinarily eerie and cold in the dark night.

The moment those men in black appeared, they suddenly besieged Lin Qian Yi and the others.

Lin Qian Yi was startled, and quickly pushed her mother into the car, and instantly closed the door.


Seeing Lin Qian Yi's actions, Yan Shiqi was startled.


Lin Qian Yi looked solemnly at the men in black who surrounded her, and reminded her.

Yan Shiqi had no choice but to be shocked and it was too late, so she could only quickly pull out the retractable iron rod at her waist and hand it to Lin Qian Yi.

At the same time, he raised his hand and made a gesture in the air.

Lin Qian Yi was not pretentious, quickly took it, and suddenly met a man in black, directly attacking the weakest part of the human body - the throat.

Lin Qian Yi, who was excited when encountering a fight, completely forgot that she is now a pregnant mother...

Those men in black, I don't know if they are very clear about their goals.

Therefore, Che Yifei, who was not the target, was ignored.

As for Che Yifei, since she was a child, she had never encountered such a scene, so she was naturally frightened and stunned.

Immediately after Lin Qian Yi made a move, six people in military uniforms suddenly appeared out of thin air.

One step ahead of Lin Qian Yi, he met the enemy, making Lin Qian Yi's force come to nothing.

Seeing the person who suddenly took one step ahead of her, Lin Qian Yi gritted her teeth, she was finally able to move around.

Now it's been cut off! Cheating!

The dozen or so men in black were not bad at fighting, but the six people on Lin Qian Yi's side were even more powerful.

Directly one-on-two, or one-on-three.

Lin Qian Yi couldn't help admiring, the people cultivated by her fourth master were really against the sky!

Soon, the dozen or so men in black gradually decreased.

Just when Lin Qian Yi was feeling bored, she suddenly heard a slight sound from the left.

Almost subconsciously, Lin Qian Yi dodged quickly.

However, it was still a step too late.

Lin Qian Yi's arm was scratched instantly, and blood gushed out immediately.

But Lin Qian Yi didn't pay attention, she didn't stop walking, and quickly dodged to a hiding place.

At this moment, Lin Qian Yi looked down.

With the dim light, Lin Qian Yi saw the blood gushing out of her arm.

Lin Qian Yi's eyes widened suddenly, bullet! It was the bullet that hurt her just now!

"Be careful! There are people in the dark, and there are guns!"

Lin Qian Yi quickly reminded Yan Shiqi and the others, and at the same time, quickly moved to the hiding place.

When she yelled just now, people in the dark would definitely find her location, so she could only change places quickly.

The place where Lin Qian Yi changed happened to be very close to the place where Che Yifei fell to the ground in fright.

"Go! Their target is me."

Lin Qian Yi called softly to Che Yifei who was still in a daze.

This time, Che Yifei seemed to have just realized it, mechanically looking in Lin Qian Yi's direction.

"I, I, no, not me, not me."

Che Yifei panicked and wanted to explain to Lin Qian Yi, but she didn't know how to explain.

Lin Qian Yi frowned, "I know, go away, they won't move you now, but that doesn't mean they won't move you in the future, go away!"

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