She knew that those men in black were not called by Che Yifei, which can be seen from her reaction.

However, Che Yifei was designed by someone.

I'm afraid she hasn't seen this point yet, right?

Suddenly, Che Yifei's eyes widened, and he looked behind Lin Qian Yi, as if he saw something terrifying.

His mouth was trembling so violently that he couldn't even speak.

Lin Qian Yi's expression froze, and just as she was about to make a move, a cold voice that could be changed came from behind.

"Don't move! Or I'll shoot!"

Lin Qian Yi stopped moving immediately, slowly raised her hands, and a look of regret flashed in her eyes.

Why didn't she notice that someone was coming from behind!

"Get up and turn around."

The cold voice sounded again.

Lin Qian Yi obeyed obediently, but in her heart, for some reason, she didn't feel nervous at all.

This is the first time experience, did not react?

Still think, these people won't kill her?

It caught Lin Qian Yi's eyes.

It was a person wearing a hat and a mask, and he was also dressed in black, as if he had blended into the night.

"Stop it all! Otherwise, I'll make her brain explode!"

That cold voice suddenly yelled at the person who was still fighting.

However, the fireworks prepared by Che Yifei continued to be set off and exploded in mid-air.

That yell was simply insignificant.

Sure enough, those who were still fighting did not stop at all.

The man in black frowned, and shot Lin Qian Yi's car suddenly.


The glass in front of the car shattered in an instant, and the shards of the glass exploded and scattered in an instant.


Lin Qian Yi screamed, subconsciously about to rush over.

"do not move!"

The cold voice suddenly shouted at Lin Qian Yi.

However, Lin Qian Yi didn't care.

There is only one thought in her mind now, and that is her mother, there must be nothing wrong!

"If you move again, I'll send the people in the car back to the west!"

The man in black uttered angrily, lowered himself directly at the fuel tank of the car, and fired a shot.

The bullet sank directly into the grass and disappeared without a trace.

However, Lin Qian Yi could clearly see that spark.

Lin Qian Yi stood on the spot in an instant, and when her eyes caught the figure on the car, she immediately felt relieved.

The sound of the man in black smashing the glass of the car completely disturbed those who were still fighting.

Both sides stopped their hands instantly, and both looked in their direction.


Seeing Lin Qian Yi being pointed at, Yan Shiqi immediately panicked.

damn it! Why didn't she find out that there were other people!

Lin Qian Yi waved her hand to signal her not to mess around.

Immediately, he calmly looked at the man in black who was holding her hand, "What do you want? It doesn't seem like you want to kill me?"

"Hmph! Your life is very valuable. Even if you want to die, I won't let you die so quickly, at least... before you get those things."

The man in black snorted coldly, and continued to speak viciously in the cold voice she deliberately changed.

Hearing this, Lin Qian Yi narrowed her eyes slightly, and a dark light flashed in her bright eyes.


Lin Qian Yi was a little careless, "What do you want? Money? I can give it to you directly."

"Tsk tsk, how much can you give? One hundred million? Or two hundred million?"

The man in black asked disdainfully.

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