My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 549 Don't play tricks, I'm afraid you won't be able to afford it

Lin Qian Yi suddenly felt uneasy, "What do you want? I don't think there is anything in me that you want."

From the words of the man in black, she realized that what these people wanted was not simple.

A sinister smile seemed to flash across the eyes of the man in black.

"Of course you don't have one, but as long as Di Yanmo has it, as his wife, I believe he will be very happy to exchange what I need for you."

After finishing speaking, the man in black stopped giving Lin Qian Yi a chance to speak, and pointed directly at the black van with the door open not far away.

"Get in the car, don't play tricks, I'm afraid you won't be able to afford it."

The muzzle of the man in black slowly moved down, and then aimed at Lin Qian Yi's stomach.

Lin Qian Yi's face turned pale, and then she suddenly remembered that she was pregnant with a child!

Damn it!

Lin Qian Yi almost had the urge to stab herself. How could she forget such an important matter!

Sure enough, past habits are hard to get rid of!

Fortunately, fortunately, the child in her stomach is fine.

In just a few seconds, Lin Qian Yi was shocked into a cold sweat.

"You guys, take the people in the car down."

After warning Lin Qian Yi, the man in black gave orders to the dozen or so men in black.

Lin Qian Yi stopped when she was about to move, and stared at the man in black in panic.

"Your target is me, don't touch my mother!"

Lin Qian Yi's voice could not help but tremble.

"You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me."

The man in black gave Lin Qian Yi a cold look, and then shouted at the dozen or so men in black, "Hurry up!"

The fireworks here are almost gone.

Once there is no cover from the fireworks, it is easy for people to spot the movement here.

She didn't want anything to go wrong at this critical moment!

This is the last chance Ah Wen gave her, she must not let Ah Wen down, let alone fail!

Lin Qian Yi tightly clenched her fists, her bright eyes were filled with a biting chill.

Suddenly, Lin Qian Yi caught sight of Yan Shiqi's secret movements, and her eyes flickered slightly.

There was a slight movement of the hand without a trace.

One of the men in black had just pulled the frightened Xia Yuwei out of the car.

Suddenly, there was a strange noise from nowhere.

Pointing a gun at the man in black at Lin Qian Yi, he looked subconsciously.

Lin Qian Yi's eyes moved slightly.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he covered his stomach with his hands, ran to the side suddenly, and rolled on the spot.

Quickly hid behind a big tree.

At this moment, Lin Qian Yi was extremely fortunate that there were many big trees planted on this huge grassland.

And during.

When Lin Qian Yi made a move, a gunshot suddenly sounded behind her, but Lin Qian Yi ignored it.

Because, she knew, it was Yan Shiqi's gunshot.

She knew that after Xia Baizhi's incident last time, Yan Shiqi had a gun on him.

The reason why I didn't use the grab just now.

Maybe it was because he was afraid of causing unnecessary trouble, but now, after learning that the other party has a gun, there is no need to worry about it.

Sure enough, when Lin Qian Yi looked again, the gun in the man in black's hand had been knocked out.

And the other six people also took guns and pointed at the dozen or so men in black.

And her mother was being protected by one of the men in military uniform.

Lin Qian Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, felt a slight discomfort in her stomach.

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