It should be just now, when it suddenly rolled down, it rolled a little too hard.

Although the only one with a gun was stopped, Lin Qian Yi still did not dare to relax her vigilance.

These men in black are not simple characters.

Even the person who pointed a gun at her just now, although he is weak, his marksmanship is very good.

You can tell at a glance that you are not an ordinary person.

Lin Qian Yi gestured to Yan Shiqi, telling them to get into the van prepared by those men in black.

The front glass of their car had just been broken, glass shards must have been everywhere.

Besides, their small car can't seat so many people at all, and the van is just right.

Lin Qian Yi stared at the movements of the man in black, waiting for Yan Shiqi and the others to slowly approach.

Looking at the people who were slowly retreating, the man in black with the gun showed a monstrous anger in his eyes.

Both hands tightly clenched into fists, and the sharp nails sank into the palms fiercely, but they didn't feel it at all.

"No! Can't fail, can't fail! Can't live without Ah Wen, can't!"

Suddenly, the man in black seemed to go crazy, the moment Lin Qian Yi and the others closed the car door.

He squatted down in an instant, picked up the pistol, and shot suddenly at the van that was about to start.

The people in the car also started to fight back quickly.

Lin Qian Yi saw clearly that the man in black was hit in the leg and knelt down on one knee.

But still persisted in shooting at the car.


The glass window on Lin Qian Yi's right was broken instantly.

Lin Qian Yi subconsciously protected Xia Yuwei who was sitting on her left.

The shards of glass splashed everywhere, Lin Qian Yi only felt a pain in the back of her neck, and then felt the liquid flow down.

But Lin Qian Yi didn't care, and still protected her mother tightly.

"Yiyi let go, let go! You can't get hurt!"

When Lin Qian Yi subconsciously protected Xia Yuwei, Xia Yuwei also subconsciously wanted to protect her daughter.

However, she was a step slower than Lin Qian Yi.

Xia Yuwei's eyes turned red immediately, and she wanted to struggle to escape her daughter's protection, but she couldn't.

All I could do was yell at my daughter.

"Mom, don't move, you'll be fine soon, bear with me."

Not only did Lin Qian Yi not let go, but she held her tighter, and at the same time comforted her mother.

Xia Yuwei, who was being protected by her daughter, was already in tears.

Seeing her daughter in danger just now, she was frightened to death, but now she is still protected by her daughter.

She suddenly felt that she was so useless that she couldn't even protect her precious daughter!

At the same time, she regretted it.

Knowing the uneasiness in his heart, he still didn't stop his daughter from coming here.

Finally, the gunfire stopped.

"Daughter, daughter, how are you? Is there any injury? What about the stomach? Is there any discomfort in the stomach?"

As soon as Lin Qian Yi loosened the strength in her hand, Xia Yuwei broke free suddenly, caring eagerly for her daughter.

At the same time, his hands kept groping on Lin Qian Yi's body.

Just as Lin Qian Yi was about to shake her head, she suddenly gasped.

Sensing Du's daughter's strangeness, Xia Yuwei quickly let go of her hand and looked at her daughter's right arm.

With the dim light in the car, Xia Yuwei finally saw the wound on Lin Qian Yi's arm and the blood that kept flowing out.

Xia Yuwei suddenly covered her mouth, tears pouring out continuously.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's useless to be a mother, it didn't stop you, and it didn't protect you."

Xia Yuwei wept ferociously, her body trembling because of fear.

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