My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 551 Daughter, are you still in pain? Where's the belly? Does your stomach hurt?

Lin Qian Yi raised a pale smile and looked at her mother.

"Mom, I'm fine, it's just a little scratch, just bandage it and it'll be fine."

Lin Qian Yi spoke in a soft tone, hoping to comfort her mother.

My mother has never encountered such a thing, I am afraid she has been frightened?

She wasn't too scared just now, but when she thought about it now, she broke out in a cold sweat again.

Suddenly, Xia Yuwei seemed to be woken up, she nodded her head in a panic, "Yes, yes, bandage, bandage."

As he said that, he was like a blind fly, randomly looking for something in the car.

However, there was nothing in the car.

Xia Yuwei's body trembled even more.

"Use this."

Suddenly, a man in military uniform sitting in the back row neatly tore off his shirt and handed it to Xia Yuwei.

Xia Yuwei instantly had a goal, and she firmly grasped the large piece of fabric that the man handed over.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you."

Xia Yuwei was a little incoherent, and then hurriedly trembling her hands, trying to bandage Lin Qian Yi.

"I'll come, Mrs. Xia."

After confirming that there was no danger, Yan Shiqi turned around from the passenger seat and reached out to Xia Yuwei.

Xia Yuwei looked at her daughter's wound, then at Yan Shiqi, and finally gave her the cloth.

"Take it easy."

Xia Yuwei obediently stepped back a little bit, her pleading eyes stared straight at Yan Shiqi.

Yan Shiqi nodded, "I will."


Seeing the car being driven away quickly and being shot in the leg, the man in black who knelt on one knee on the ground smashed the gun in his hand to the ground in shame and anger.

"Follow me! Be sure to catch them! Keep them even if you die!!!"

With scarlet eyes, the man in black yelled wildly at those men in black who were more or less shot by bullets.

Immediately, the man in black gritted his teeth and stood up first, limped, and walked desperately towards a car.

But what the man in black didn't realize was that she, who was ashamed and angry, forgot to change her voice on purpose.

The other injured men in black quickly helped each other up and followed.

But there were a few men in black lying motionless on the grass, but they could never get up and couldn't leave.

The two cars left at a high speed, and the last fireworks exploded from mid-air, and the meadow, which was still bustling just now, instantly returned to calm.

And from the beginning of the fight, Che Yifei was so frightened that he climbed behind a big tree.

At this time, he hugged himself tightly with both hands, his eyes were wide open, and his eyes were full of horror and disbelief.

"Qiu, Qiu Yu, Xian, Xian!"

Che Yifei's lips moved slightly, and he called out a name extremely slowly and fearfully.

Immediately, his body couldn't help shaking violently, as if he had seen something terrifying.


Looking at her daughter's wound that had just been bandaged, Xia Yuwei's eyes were full of distress, and she held her hands firmly together.

"Daughter? Are you still in pain? Is there any other discomfort? What about your stomach? Does it hurt?"

Xia Yuwei looked closely at her daughter, but she didn't dare to touch her carelessly.

Lin Qian Yi shook her head with a smile, "I'm fine, Mom, I'm fine, so don't worry."

Xia Yuwei bit her lip tightly, shook her head, and stopped talking.

Lin Qian Yi reached out and held her hand, silently comforting her mother.

She knew that her mother was terrified.

"Ma'am, shall we go to the hospital first?"

As soon as Yan Shiqi sent a critical message to his boss, he asked Lin Qian Yi.

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