My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 562 I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...

"Why? Why are you stopping me!! That's my mother, my only relative!! I only have one relative!"

Lin Qian Yi grabbed Di Yanmo's clothes and swayed them wildly.

The voice was full of heart-piercing grief. When he looked at Di Yanmo in the past, his eyes were full of love.

At this time, there is only hatred left!

Yes, she hated Di Yanmo, hated why he prevented her from saving her mother! !

Let her watch her mother fall in a pool of blood with her own eyes.

Her heart hurts so much that she almost goes crazy!

At this time, Lin Qian Yi was completely stimulated by overload and lost her mind.

Facing his little wife's questioning, Di Yanmo pursed his lips tightly, his deep eyes were full of incomprehensible emotions.

"Tell me! Tell me why!!"

Lin Qian Yi held him tightly with both hands, and stared at him with scarlet eyes, waiting for his answer.

Facing his youngest wife's eyes full of hatred, Di Yanmo felt his heart ache and almost suffocated, his thin lips moved, and finally said nothing.

The deep eyes are full of complexity.

What should he say?

explain? What if I explained it?

That's just an excuse for yourself.

All this is his incompetence, so he has no explanation.

He made his little wife hurt and sad again.

He is regarded by countless people as the emperor of this world, but he can't even protect his wife.

At this moment, Di Yanmo hated himself.

"say something!!!"

Lin Qian Yi screamed sharply at Di Yanmo, like a wounded beast.


In the end, Di Yanmo said three words with a hoarse voice.

However, it was not what Lin Qian Yi wanted.

"Sorry? Why are you sorry?!! I don't want your sorry, I want my mother! I want my mother to come back alive!!!!"

Lin Qian Yi became more and more excited, gasping for breath, as if she was about to pass out in the next moment.

"Let's go to the hospital, dear."

Di Yanmo coaxed softly, wanting to hug her.

However, Lin Qian Yi suddenly went mad and bit his neck, biting hard.

The bright red blood stained her pale thin lips.

The tingling pain between his neck and neck made Di Yanmo groan.

However, he didn't push the person in his arms away, but let her vent.

The taste of blood in her mouth filled Lin Qian Yi's eyes with madness, and she regained a little sanity.

The next moment, he fell into Di Yanmo's arms.


Di Yanmo cried out in horror, the tall man couldn't help trembling.

"Boss, hurry up and take your wife to the hospital."

Chen Zhong on the side, seeing the ruthless and strategizing BOSS in the past has become like a frightened and confused child, he couldn't help reminding.

Di Yanmo seemed to be awakened suddenly, quickly and carefully picked up Lin Qian Yi, and ran outside.

The car hurried to the hospital.

inside the car.

"sorry Sorry sorry……"

Di Yanmo hugged Lin Qian Yi in his arms, pressed his handsome face against her cold forehead, and kept apologizing.

Di Yanmo's eyes gradually turned scarlet.

A tear fell from the corner of Di Yanmo's eye and fell on Lin Qian Yi's brow.

"Boss, why didn't you tell Madam?"

While driving, Chen Zhong saw BOSS's sad expression in the front mirror, and finally couldn't help but speak.

What he was referring to, of course, was that when Di Beiping shot Xia Yuwei just now, there was also a hidden person who shot Lin Qian Yi.

At that time, the boss couldn't save two people at the same time.

Choose one of the two, the BOSS chose the wife.

Di Yanmo kissed, the pale thin lips and deep eyes of the person in his arms were lifeless.

The interior of the car was extremely silent, and the scenery outside continued to pass by quickly.

Just when Chen Zhong thought that his boss would not answer.

Di Yanmo gently stroked the pale face of the person in his arms with his big hand, and said calmly, "I didn't protect her well."

Di Yanmo's voice was extremely calm, but Chen Zhong could hear the vibrato and the grief and self-blame in his voice. hate him

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