My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 563 There is no such thing as whether it is worth it or not, only if you are willing or not

a month later.


"okay, I get it."

Di Yanmo hung up the phone, got up and walked behind the person sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, squatted down and hugged him gently from behind.

"Ye Li called and said that a brain doctor in country C might wake up mom, but I'm not sure how long it will take."

Di Yanmo buried his face in his little wife's neck, sniffing her breath greedily.

Lin Qian Yi, who had been staring blankly out of the window, seemed to come to her senses at this moment, blinking her calm eyes.

"Country C..."

Lin Qian Yi's voice was slightly hoarse, as if she hadn't spoken for a long time.

At this time, she was much thinner than a month ago, and her face was slightly pale.

The once bright eyes are now dimmed.

"Well, Country C, let's take Mom there together."

Di Yanmo repeated it patiently, his deep eyes were still full of expression and pampering.

Lin Qian Yi lowered her eyes, letting the person behind her hug her, feeling the warmth of the person behind her.

After a long time, Lin Qian Yi turned around slowly, looking at Di Yanmo who was also haggard with her calm eyes.

Di Yanmo sat down directly on the ground and held her in his arms.

Lin Qian Yi nestled docilely in his arms, her slender hands tremblingly caressed the bite marks on his neck.

"I'm hurts, right?"

Lin Qian Yi's calm eyes finally flashed a touch of distressed emotion.

Why did she hurt fourth master?

Even if it was unintentional, she shouldn't hurt the person who loves and loves her the most.

What's more, she also loves him deeply.

But, does she really love? Does she really love fourth master?

Fourth master has always doted on her, no matter how she messes up or gets into trouble, he will still dote on her as always.

There was never a trace of blame.

He even risked his life to save her.

But what did she do? ! What on earth did she do! !

She actually looked at her beloved Fourth Master with hateful eyes!

Recalling that moment, Lin Qian Yi's heart ached almost to the point of suffocation. The piercing pain made her tremble uncontrollably.

Sensing the trembling of the person in his arms, Di Yanmo gently stroked her back, "It's over, don't be afraid, I'm here."

Di Yanmo's soft comforting voice made Lin Qian Yi's heart ache even more, and her eye sockets gradually became moist.

"I don't hurt, not at all, really."

The corners of Di Yanmo's mouth curled up, and he lowered his head and kissed her forehead with an extremely pampering tone.

Hot tears rolled down from Lin Qian Yi's eyes in an instant.

"does it worth?"

Lin Qian Yi's voice trembled, and she felt sad and blamed herself.

does it worth? He paid so much for her, always doted on her, but never asked her to do anything.

does it worth? For her, even life?

does it worth? For her selfishness, overconfidence, but invisibly hurting the people around her.

Is it really worth it?

Or, does she deserve the love of such an outstanding person who spoils her so much?

Di Yanmo hugged her a little tighter, resting his chin on the top of her hair, his stern face was extraordinarily soft.

"There is no worth or not, only willing or not."

Looking at the garden outside the window, feeling the softness in his arms, the corners of Di Yanmo's mouth twitched softly.

"And I...will, because you are my little wife, because I love you, and I can't love you enough."

Di Yanmo's words are not like love words, but they are more touching than any love words.

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