My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 564 Give me three years, after leaving, will the pain stop?

The tears in Lin Qian Yi's eyes dripped even more violently, as if the tears could not flow completely.

Lin Qian Yi's little hand tightly held his big hand, as if she wanted to hold him tightly and never let go.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

Lin Qian Yi buried her face in his strong chest, letting the tears pour out wantonly.

"I shouldn't know that the situation is wrong, but continue to choose to take risks. I shouldn't be too confident, I should be damned! I should be damned!! It should be me who is lying on the hospital bed now!"

Lin Qian Yi blamed herself in pain, because she was too excited, her body trembled more and more.

However, no matter how much she blamed herself, no matter how much she hated herself.

The world still has no regrets, and it is still impossible to turn back time.

"Hate me, Yan Mo, you hate me."

Lin Qian Yi suddenly raised her head and looked straight at the person who was holding her.

"You hate me, okay? I have hurt you all this time, but I, relying on your doting on me, still wantonly squander your love for me."

"You must be in pain, you must be in pain, right? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

The little hands trembled, covering the heart that beat for her.

However, this heart that dotes on her and beats only for her, can it really belong to her in the future?

She was so capricious, so selfish, never gave him anything, and never did anything for him.

The one who paid was always him.

And she only knew how to enjoy, but she never thought that he would be tired, sad, and in pain...

Di Yanmo shook his head, stroked her teary face with his big hand, and wiped it gently.

"As I said, don't be sorry to me. I am your husband. I spoil you because I love you. I want to spoil you so much that you will never be able to leave me."

Leaning over, he gently kissed away the tears from her eyes.

"So, don't feel guilty, I did all of this voluntarily. In this world, the only person I want to spoil is you, my little wife."

However, the tears in Lin Qian Yi's eyes couldn't be stopped anymore, as if she was about to shed all the tears for a lifetime, she couldn't stop no matter what.

"But I don't deserve your favor, I don't deserve it!"

Lin Qian Yi hugged him firmly with both hands.

Reluctant to let go, but finally have to let go.

She who is so selfish really doesn't deserve his infinite love, she doesn't want to hurt him anymore.

The person she loves the most, but also the person who hurts the most...

"Yanmo, me, give me three years, okay?"

Lin Qian Yi's sad eyes stared straight at the person she fell in love with.

Her fourth master, her love, she couldn't bear it, her heart ached!

However, she didn't want to hurt him even more, and she didn't want him to be in pain anymore.

So, she can only leave. After leaving, will he not be in pain anymore?

Di Yanmo caressed the hand on her back for a moment, his body stiffened for a moment, but he quickly recovered.

Di Yanmo looked away and looked out of the window. There were many memories of them outside the garden.

Throughout the villa, there are their memories, whether hurt or painful or happy.

"Give me three years, I will definitely come back, I will definitely..."

Lin Qian Yi buried her face in his neck, her heart ached, but she still wanted to leave in the end.

However, she will come back, will come back, and will not hurt her love again.

Holding the person in his arms, Di Yanmo spoke in a hoarse voice after a long time.

"Okay, three years, three years later, if you don't come back, I will catch you back! Don't even try to escape from my world!"

Di Yanmo's tone was stern, and his deep eyes were terribly calm.

After finishing speaking, Di Yanmo let her go, got up, and left slowly and coldly like a lonely emperor...

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