Lin Qian Yi's sudden action surprised everyone present.

"Put down the knife, or I'll send him to hell immediately!"

Sun Qianru pointed her gun at Di Beiting and threatened Lin Qian Yi viciously.

In fact, she wished that it was Lin Qian Yi who she could aim her gun at.

However, now is not the time, if the Sun family swallows the Di family, then her status will also be doubled.

At that time, who would dare to give her face? Who dares to point fingers at her? !

Thinking of that from that day on, those who flattered and flattered her in the past showed mocking and contemptuous looks at her.

Sun Qianru hated Lin Qian Yi even more. She swore that after she got the emperor's family, she would torture Lin Qian Yi to death!

Lin Qian Yi had no expression on her face, and the coldness in her eyes became even more piercing.

"I said, let them go, otherwise, what you will see later will be my dead body!"

As she spoke, Lin Qian Yi tightly held the hand on her arm, and moved a little closer to her neck.

Bright red blood immediately flowed from Lin Qian Yi's neck, staining her tender neck red.

It looks very dazzling.

"Yiyi! Don't! You don't care about us, don't care about us anymore, Xiaoqian and I have lived enough, we really have lived enough, you must make it out alive, we can't let Xiaomo down anymore."

Seeing that Lin Qian Yi really made a move, Di Beiting immediately dragged his right leg and limped towards Lin Qian Yi very slowly, his eyes full of pleading.

They have already apologized to Xiao Mo once, if Lin Qian Yi had to do anything to save them.

Not only Xiao Mo will never forgive them, but they themselves will blame themselves for the rest of their lives.

More importantly, he didn't want to see his son in pain and madness. His son's life was cruel enough.

He had to stop, had to stop more cruel things from happening.

Lin Qian Yi's eyes were firm, and her hand holding the dagger did not let go, "No, Dad, you have to live well, and we will all live well, believe me."

Lin Qian Yi looked at Di Beiting sincerely and said.

Immediately, Lin Qian Yi looked at Sun Gang and said calmly, "How is it? This condition is very cost-effective for you, isn't it?"

Sun Gang stared at Lin Qian Yi for a while, then narrowed his eyes, "How do I know, is what you said true?"

Sun Gang was a little tempted. After all, getting the YE Group from Lin Qian Yi was easier than getting the YE Group from the demon Di Yanmo.

However, he did not trust Lin Qian Yi so easily.

"Father, don't trust her, this bitch is the best at playing tricks, she must have tricked you into releasing the hostages, and then she took the opportunity to escape!"

Seeing Sun Gang's expression relaxed, Sun Qianru became anxious again.

Sun Qianru felt faintly uneasy in her heart. She always felt that Lin Qian Yi would eventually escape her control.

She absolutely believed that once Lin Qian Yi was out of her control, she would be the one who reported to the Hades Palace!

Therefore, she had to kill all of Lin Qian Yi's hopes!

What Sun Qianru said made Lin Qian Yi sneer, and looked at her mockingly, "What? There are so many of you, are you still afraid that I will play tricks alone? Or run away?"

"Even if I escape from here, there are people outside who are waiting for me to throw myself into the trap, aren't they?"

When he saw that Sun Gang only brought dozens of people in.

Lin Qian Yi knew that there must be someone arranged by Sun Gang outside the villa, guarding there to prevent her from escaping.

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