Sun Gang was slightly surprised by Lin Qian Yi's firm words, and at the same time, he had a higher opinion of Lin Qian Yi.

Of course, it's just a little high opinion, and she doesn't think that Lin Qian Yi, a little girl, can escape his control.

What's more, it is still surrounded by two layers!

Soon, however, Sun Gang paid the price for his self-confidence.

After thinking for a moment, Sun Gang nodded, "Okay, I promise you, but I need to see your proof. If you dare to lie to me, you should know the consequences."

Sun Gang said half-threateningly.

"Our lives are in your hands, how dare I lie to you?"

The corner of Lin Qian Yi's mouth curled into a sneer.

Immediately, he looked at the handbag under the coffee table, "I need a computer. When you see that person, you will naturally believe my words."

Lin Qian Yi's request made both Sun Gang and Sun Zhenghao frown, obviously very worried.

"Don't worry, even if I bet my own life, I will never bet my parents' lives."

Knowing their concerns, Lin Qian Yi gave them a tranquilizer.

"Father! Don't trust her, she must be trying to inform others to save her!"

Sun Qianru still wanted to struggle.

Now, she doesn't want to torture Lin Qian Yi anymore, she wants Lin Qian Yi's life!

Because, she felt that things were getting out of control, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

In short, she felt that Lin Qian Yi was an absolute threat.

"Shut up! If you say one more word, don't blame me for being rude!"

Sun Zhenghao immediately became impatient with Sun Qianru's repeated disruptive actions.

At this moment, he only wanted to get the YE Group in his mind, and he didn't want to hear Sun Qianru's dry tongue.

Facing Sun Zhenghao's sinister gaze, Sun Qianru immediately shut up, her eyes full of unwillingness.

If anyone in the Sun family is the most ruthless, it is Sun Zhenghao. In Sun Qianru's eyes, Sun Zhenghao is a complete lunatic!

Therefore, she has always been afraid of Sun Zhenghao.

"My operation will let you watch the whole process. If there is anything wrong with me, you can kill me immediately."

Seeing that Sun Gang was still hesitating, Lin Qian Yi said again.

"Besides, if I really want someone to save me, I should have asked for help when Di Yanfeng called just now, shouldn't I?"

The Sun family father and son looked at each other, and finally nodded.

"Don't play tricks on me, otherwise, I will not only rape you in public, but also let everyone here have a taste of your lady emperor!"

Sun Zhenghao uttered vicious words to Lin Qian Yi.

And personally took out the handle under the coffee table, put it on the coffee table and opened it.

Lin Qian Yi walked over slowly, still holding the dagger tightly in her hand, and at the same time, she was vigilant around her to prevent them from making any moves.

Lin Qian Yi moved quickly with her left hand on the computer, and soon, a video was connected on the screen.

Sun Gang stood up from the sofa in an instant, took the gun at the side, pointed it at Lin Qian Yi's head, and said angrily:

"Smelly woman, how dare you play me! Do you really think I won't kill you?!"

However, Lin Qian Yi looked very calm, took off the dagger, and looked up at Sun Gang.

"What? You don't even know the president of YE Group?"

Lin Qian Yi looked at him with a half-smile, and didn't panic at all because of being pointed at.

Hearing this, the Sun family father and son were startled, and quickly looked at the computer screen.

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