My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 805 If you want to destroy the YE Group, you can just order it from your wife

Sure enough, a man in his thirties appeared on the screen at this time. The man was wearing gold-rimmed glasses, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, with a half-smile feeling.

And this man is none other than the president of YE Group——Yan Shengkai.

There is almost no businessman in the world who does not know him.

Because, in the eyes of everyone, he is a figure standing at the top of the business world.

Although he is not the real person in charge of YE, it is absolutely remarkable to be recognized by the person in charge.

"Ma'am, your neck?"

As soon as the video was connected, Yan Shengkai saw the bright red blood on Lin Qian Yi's neck, and immediately asked worriedly.

Lin Qian Yi pulled the tissue aside and wiped it casually.

"It's okay, I accidentally scratched it."

Lin Qian Yi replied indifferently.

Due to the angle, Yan Shengkai only saw Lin Qian Yi and did not see anyone else.

Hearing Lin Qian Yi's answer, the Sun family father and son were very satisfied, and at the same time, their faces could not hide their excitement and greed.

Because they know that this time they bet right!

"By the way, I want to ask, Yanmo has given me the YE Group, does that mean that only I can decide the direction of the YE Group?"

Lin Qian Yi asked casually.

Yan Shengkai looked at Lin Qian Yi's eyes, his eyes flickered, and then he nodded without hesitation.

"Of course, ma'am, you are the owner of the YE Group. Even if you want to destroy it immediately, you only need to order it."

Yan Shengkai said with a smile, with a respectful tone.

"Okay, then it's all right."

Lin Qian Yi nodded, and then immediately turned off the video.

Immediately, Lin Qian Yi quickly took a few steps back, put the dagger on her neck again, and looked at Sun Gang.

The meaning is very obvious, that is to let Sun Gang release him.

The Sun family father and son heard the conversation between Lin Qian Yi and Yan Shengkai just now, so they believed Lin Qian Yi's words 100%.

Imagining the YE Group that was about to be acquired, Sun Gang was in a good mood, and immediately waved his hand, "Send the two of them out of the Emperor's House."

"No! No, Yiyi, we won't leave you behind. You can't have anything to do. You really don't need to worry about us. We're old and useless. We'll only drag you down if we live. Go away!"

Di Beiting's old eyes were red. He was both moved and worried about Lin Qian Yi's actions.

Immediately, before everyone could react, they rushed towards Sun Qianru who was closest to him.

Sun Qianru was holding a gun in her hand, and Di Beiting was undoubtedly seeking his own death by doing so.

Or, that's exactly what he wanted.

He didn't want to see his daughter-in-law have trouble, and he didn't want to see his son in pain.

Therefore, he wanted to exchange his life for Lin Qian Yi's life.

He knew that there were hidden guards in the villa, and it was possible for Lin Qian Yi to get out of danger.

However, they became Lin Qian Yi's burden, so Lin Qian Yi was restrained.

As long as he is dead, Lin Qian Yi should be able to escape.

This is Di Beiting's idea.


Seeing Di Beiting's movements, Lin Qian Yi uttered a panic, her pupils constricted suddenly, flickering with fear.

Seeing Di Beiting rushing towards her, Sun Qianru was startled and subconsciously raised her gun, intending to shoot Di Beiting.

The Sun family father and son were also shocked, and wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

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