My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 813 I'm a bit tired now, sleep for a while, don't be afraid

"Well, I promise you, I won't abandon you, and I will never abandon my little wife."

Di Yanmo promised softly, and then said, "However, I'm a little tired now, I'll sleep for a while, don't be afraid, wait until I wake up, huh?"

Hearing this, Lin Qian Yi's heart tightened, her eyes turned red, she still nodded obediently, "Okay, I'll wait for you to wake up, you go to sleep."

Lin Qian Yi's little hand gently stroked his head, as if coaxing him to sleep.

With his little wife's permission, Di Yanmo finally slowly closed his tired eyes.

In the small compartment, it was as silent as death, and even the slight sound of breathing could be heard.

Feeling the warm breath from her neck, Lin Qian Yi bit her lips tightly to prevent herself from crying.

At the same time, Lin Qian Yi kept praying in her heart that her fourth master would be fine, and prayed that God would not take her fourth master away.

Under Di Yanfeng's speed, the car quickly arrived at a hospital.

As soon as the car stopped, Di Yanfeng hurriedly got out of the car, opened the rear door of the car, and carefully carried Di Yanmo out of the car.

There were already people waiting at the entrance of the hospital, and the leader was Ye Li.

As soon as the car arrived, Ye Li rushed up and helped put Di Yanmo on the hospital bed.

At this time, Ye Li completely lost the laughter of the past, and looked completely serious.

After putting Di Yanmo on the hospital bed, Ye Li was immediately pushed to the operating room, without even having time to say hello to Lin Qian Yi.

Lin Qian Yi didn't care. Now she was full of thoughts that her fourth master was fine.

After running all the way to the operating room, Lin Qian Yi and Di Yanfeng were isolated outside the operating room.

Looking at the red light that was on, Lin Qian Yi finally couldn't help but shed tears silently, but she bit her lip tightly to prevent herself from crying.

Because, she was afraid that her crying would be heard by her fourth master.

Although it was impossible, Lin Qian Yi still thought that way.

Looking at the silently crying sister-in-law, Di Yanfeng opened his mouth, but in the end he still didn't know what to say.

"Bang—damn the Sun family!"

The impatient and extremely angry Di Yanfeng suddenly punched the wall of the hospital, his eyes were full of tyranny.

Lin Qian Yi didn't seem to feel the outside world at all.

Leaning against the wall, he slid down slowly, and sat on the ground with his legs hugged, staring fixedly at the lit operating lamp, tears still falling silently.

Lin Qian Yi like this made people feel very distressed.

Di Yanfeng's eyes were also red, he raised his head to look at the white ceiling, tears rolled down from the corners of his eyes.

Whether it was Di Yanfeng or Lin Qian Yi, they were full of helplessness, because this was the first time they had seen such a fragile Di Yanmo.

That extremely powerful person, they never thought that he would fall down one day.

Moreover, infinite fear emerged in their hearts.

For a moment, the long corridor became deadly silent, and even breathing became cautious.

Both Lin Qian Yi and Di Yanfeng stared at the operating lamp, as if they had turned into two stone sculptures.

The long night finally passed, and the operating light finally went out.

The heartbeats of Lin Qian Yi and Di Yanfeng seemed to have stopped at this moment, as if they were staring at Ye Li who came out of the operating room.

Being stared at by the two, Ye Li finally recovered his playful expression, "Our boss, Lord Yan dare not accept."

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