My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 814: Lord Yan Dare Not Accept Emperor Yanmo

Ye Li's words brought back the heartbeats of Lin Qian Yi and the two of them, as if they were the ones who had walked through the gate of hell.

Di Yanmo was pushed out while lying on the hospital bed, and Lin Qian Yi rushed up immediately.

Seeing her fourth master's pale expression, Lin Qian Yi felt distressed, and tightly held his big hand with her little hand.

"Don't worry, sister-in-law, the boss's trauma is all right now, but the boss was seriously injured twice in a row and lost a lot of blood, so he needs to make up for it."

Seeing Lin Qian Yi's nervous appearance, Ye Li also said with relief.

When he received the call, Ye Li was really frightened. He has been with the boss for so many years, but he has never seen the boss hurt so badly.

What's more, it's still more than one match, it's like scaring his little heart to a halt.


Lin Qian Yi looked at Ye Li in puzzlement.

"Yes, twice."

Ye Li nodded, "The first time I performed surgery on the boss on the helicopter, but the boss didn't know where he went when he got off the helicopter.

Now it seems that I ran to find you, sister-in-law. "

Speaking of this, Ye Li couldn't help but sigh how powerful his boss is.

"The boss is also amazing. He was slashed in the chest and shot in the abdomen. Without anesthesia, he insisted on holding on to the completion of the operation before passing out. However, he woke up within half an hour."

Ye Li shook his head and said, hearing the expression that the boss didn't blink at that time, Ye Li sincerely admired his boss.

"Now the boss is severely burned on his back, and with the excessive blood loss before, I'm afraid he won't be able to wake up until night."

Hearing this, tears fell from Lin Qian Yi's eyes again, looking at the handsome face that was still cold even in sleep.

Lin Qian Yi felt that her heart hurt so much that it almost made her suffocate.

She couldn't imagine how much pain her fourth master felt at that time.

However, her fourth master persisted, and even rushed to rescue her regardless of her serious injuries.

If it wasn't for her fourth master, she might have already reported it in the Palace of the Underworld.

Whenever there is a threat, fourth master will always rescue her in danger like a god descending.

Lin Qian Yi felt that fourth master was her god, a unique god.

"Sister-in-law, brother is fine, as long as he rests well, he will be fine soon, you don't have to worry."

Seeing Lin Qian Yi crying again, Di Yanfeng quickly comforted her.

In fact, he really wanted to cry, but he was crying with joy.


Lin Qian Yi nodded with a sob, and then followed the nurse, pushing the hospital bed to a VIP ward.

The few people were reasonable and changed Di Yanmo to the bed in the ward, because he had injuries on the front and back, so he had to sleep on his side.

After the nurse finished the instrument, she left.

Lin Qian Yi was sitting on the side, holding fourth master's big hand tightly with both hands, and her eyes were fixed on fourth master's handsome face.

It was as if he would disappear at any moment, making her unwilling to let go.

"Sister-in-law, you haven't eaten all day. I'll buy you breakfast. What do you want to eat?"

Seeing that her brother was fine, Di Yanfeng was relieved.

Feeling relieved, it suddenly occurred to them that they hadn't eaten since yesterday afternoon.

Lin Qian Yi shook her head slightly, "You can do whatever you want."

Lin Qianyi originally wanted to say that she didn't want to eat, but when she thought about it, what would she do if she fell down if she didn't eat?

Then she wouldn't be able to take care of her fourth master, so when she said it, she was immediately changed.

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