Seeing this, Di Yanfeng didn't say much, and turned around to buy breakfast.

"Sister-in-law, if you need anything, just ring the bell."

Having undergone a major operation, Ye Li also felt tired, and planned to go back and have a good sleep to relieve his tired spirit.

Lin Qian Yi finally looked away from Di Yanmo's face, and nodded gratefully to Ye Li, "Thank you."

Ye Li smiled brightly and waved his hand, "Sister-in-law, why are you being polite, that's my boss. The boss has something to do, of course I will do my best."

Ye Li, who was favored by his sister-in-law, suddenly felt a little ecstatic.

"The sister-in-law, I'll go back first. After you have breakfast, you should have a good rest. The boss didn't wake up so soon."

Lin Qian Yi smiled and nodded, "Okay, I see, you should drive carefully."

Ye Li left, and the huge ward seemed very quiet.

Lin Qian Yi stretched out her small hand, and gently stroked Fourth Master's pale and handsome face, her bright eyes were full of love.

Touching the handsome face that fascinated her, the corners of Lin Qian Yi's mouth curled up slightly.

Slowly got up, leaned over the sexy thin lips, and kissed lightly, as if it was a holy prayer.

"Thank you, thank love me."

Lin Qian Yi looked at him and smiled happily, "I love you too, very much."

Not long after, Di Yanfeng came back with two breakfasts.

After a hasty breakfast, Lin Qian Yi lay down beside her fourth master.

However, in order not to hurt fourth master, there is still some distance between the two of them.

Di Yanfeng was worried, so he asked someone to guard outside the ward, and if there was any movement, he would be notified.

Xu was too tired, Lin Qian Yi looked at Di Yanmo's eyes, gradually closed them, and fell asleep.

The sun was gradually setting, and the dim sunlight shone on the ward, making the quiet ward feel warm.

Di Yanmo opened his eyes in an instant, and his cold and deep eyes softened instantly when he saw the person beside him.

Realizing that his big hand was being tightly grasped by his little wife, the corners of Di Yanmo's mouth curled up.

The feeling of being relied on by the little wife is really good.

However, the little wife should be frightened, right?

The picture of the little wife panicking and crying appeared in his mind, Di Yanmo couldn't help but feel suffocated, and a flash of pity flashed in his eyes.

Staring at his little wife's sleeping face, Di Yanmo's deep eyes gradually became hot.

He hasn't seen his little wife for almost a week, and, because he is afraid that his little wife will worry.

So I didn't tell her the situation, let alone contact her.

The matter was finally over, and the longing that had been suppressed before burst out strongly at this moment, flooding his whole body.

All the factors in his body strongly urged him to hold her tightly in his arms and fuse with her.

The big hand gently stroked the little face that fascinated him, and the deep eyes became hotter and hotter.

It was as if he wanted to eat the person in front of him into his stomach instantly.

After a long time, Di Yanmo finally grabbed his little wife's lips, and enthusiastically tasted her delicious food.

Gradually, as if nothing was enough, Di Yanmo's movements became more and more passionate.

Lin Qian Yi, who was sleeping, finally woke up faintly.

Before she opened her eyes, Lin Qian Yi noticed the strangeness on her lips. When she opened her eyes, all she could see was the cool and handsome face of her fourth master.

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