My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 816 Here, I'm uncomfortable here, help me

Lin Qian Yi subconsciously wanted to push away, but when she thought that her fourth master was injured, she didn't dare to move.

He could only obediently let his fourth master do whatever he wanted with her.

Finally, when Lin Qian Yi was almost out of breath, Di Yanmo finally let her go.

Just after being let go by her fourth master, Lin Qian Yi hurriedly asked, "How are you? Is it still hurting? Is there any discomfort?"

Lin Qian Yi half propped herself up, frowned, and looked up and down at her fourth master worriedly.

Seeing his little wife's anxious appearance, the corners of Di Yanmo's mouth curled up slightly, and his cold face softened a lot.

Suddenly, a cunning flashed in Di Yanmo's eyes, and his brows were slightly furrowed instantly, his expression seemed to be a little painful.


Di Yanmo said in a hoarse voice.

Hearing this, Lin Qian Yi was startled and asked nervously, "Where? Where does it hurt? Is the wound open? Let me see."

With that said, Lin Qian Yi was about to lift the quilt, but Di Yanmo stopped her.

"Yan Mo, let me see your wound."

Lin Qian Yi thought he was afraid that she would worry, so she didn't want her to see him.

However, Di Yanmo took her little hand, slowly lowered it, and then placed it in a warm place of his.

"Here, it's uncomfortable here, help me."

Di Yanmo's voice was hoarse and alluring, and one couldn't help but be fascinated by it. His deep eyes looked at her expectantly, and she couldn't bear to refuse.

After realizing what her fourth master was talking about, Lin Qian Yi blushed immediately, her expression was a little unnatural, and she didn't dare to look at her fourth master.

Although she had 'sports' with her fourth master countless times, she couldn't help being shy at that moment.

Especially, when her fourth master was playing rogue and coquettish to her.

Just like now.

Facing the expectant gaze of the fourth master, Lin Qian Yi subconsciously wanted to nod, but suddenly thought that the current fourth master was seriously ill.

So, nodding turned into shaking his head, "No, you are still injured, you can't...that."

Lin Qian Yi blushed and refused.

And, trying to withdraw his little hand.

However, Di Yanmo firmly held her little hand, pressing on his passionate place, but he didn't let go.

Hearing his little wife's refusal, Di Yanmo immediately looked at her aggrieved, as if Lin Qian Yi had done something to offend him.

"But I'm sad, very sad."

Di Yanmo looked at his little wife aggrieved and complaining, Chi Guoguo pretended to be pitiful, whether it was true or not.

The corner of Lin Qian Yi's mouth twitched slightly, although she knew that her fourth master was pretending to be wronged.

However, her heart was instantly softened, and she almost surrendered.

"Be patient, bear with it and it will pass, good boy."

Lin Qian Yi used the last ounce of reason to prevent herself from surrendering, and resolutely refused.

As she said that, she tried even harder to withdraw her little hand. If she had helped her fourth master, things would never end.

Therefore, for the sake of her fourth master, Lin Qian Yi kept reminding herself not to fall for the beauty tricks of the fourth master.

How could Di Yanmo give up such a rare benefit so easily?

Therefore, Di Yanmo was determined not to let go, and his expression became even more aggrieved.

"Then you help me to the bathroom?"

Di Yanmo looked at his little wife aggrievedly, and said extremely aggrieved.

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