My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 820 You haven't dealt with me yet, I feel uncomfortable

Di Yanfeng rolled his eyeballs, and with a smile, he pulled out Yan Yi to fill it in.

Immediately, without waiting for his brother to speak, Di Yanfeng said again, "Brother, this is a meal I specially asked Uncle Chen to cook, and the dishes are all my sister-in-law likes to eat."

Saying that, Di Yanfeng put the insulated lunch box in his hand on the counter beside him.

"If there's nothing else, we'll leave first, brother and sister-in-law, eat slowly."

As soon as the words fell, Di Yanfeng dragged his wife and lord, and slipped out of the ward in a hurry.

"By the way, brother, don't worry, I will let other people come to visit tomorrow, and no one will disturb brother and sister-in-law tonight."

The door of the ward that had just been closed was opened again by Di Yanfeng, stuck his head in, and said to his brother treacherously.

Immediately, he tactfully closed the door for his brother.

After leaving the ward, Di Yanfeng and Su Xiaoqing looked at each other as if they were alive after a catastrophe, and they both breathed a sigh of relief.

Wan Ru said again: Brother/Brother Mo, it's too scary!


After Lin Qian Yi came out of the bathroom, what she saw was the scene of the ward being closed.

"They left?"

Lin Qian Yi was a little surprised by Di Yanfeng and Di Yanfeng who were walking so fast.

Although, her heart really wanted them to go.

After all, anyone who gets hit would feel embarrassed, right? !

"You want them to stay?"

Di Yanmo tilted his head slightly, and looked at her with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth, with a hint of a smile in his deep eyes.

"In no mood."

Lin Qian Yi subconsciously shook her head.

It wasn't long before she realized that she had been tricked by her fourth master.

"Di Yan Mo!"

Seeing the teasing in fourth master's eyes, Lin Qian Yi walked to the hospital bed and stared at him condescendingly.

"Yes, what's the matter?"

Di Yanmo looked at his little wife innocently and asked.

Lin Qian Yi narrowed her eyes slightly, gritted her teeth and said dangerously, "You want to sleep in the study, don't you?"

"In no mood."

Di Yanmo shook his head decisively.

"Do you know what's wrong?"

Lin Qian Yi put her hands on her hips, looking like a big sister.

Di Yanmo blinked his eyes, although he didn't know what was wrong with him.

However, in order not to sleep in the study room, he still nodded decisively and obediently admitted his mistake, "I was wrong."

Regarding her fourth master's confession, Lin Qian Yi nodded very satisfied, and the embarrassment in her heart dissipated a lot in an instant.

"Hey, it's good to know you're wrong, you're still a good boy."

Lin Qian Yi patted fourth master's head as if rewarding her, and said with a smile.

Seeing that the little wife was happy, a certain fourth master immediately had to push forward.

"I'm uncomfortable."

Di Yanmo looked at his little wife pitifully.

Lin Qian Yi was originally in a sunny mood, but a flash of lightning suddenly struck her, almost knocking her into the sky!

"Di Yan Mo!"

Lin Qian Yi frowned.

If it's at home, it's fine, but now it's in the hospital, the hospital! !

Moreover, her fourth master is seriously ill now, and he still thinks about that kind of thing, he is simply a fighter among hooligans!

Compared to Lin Qian Yi's bombshell, Yan Mo looked at his little wife innocently.

"You haven't dealt with me yet, I feel uncomfortable."

Di Yanmo said aggrievedly.

The cold eyes in the past now carried Chi Guoguo's grievance and accusation.

As if Lin Qian Yi had done something to offend him, just don't be too hateful!

Lin Qian Yi only felt that the anger in her heart kept rising.

On purpose, her fourth master definitely did it on purpose!

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