My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 821 You lie down obediently and don't move

Deliberately say things that make her think crooked! ! ah! ! !

If Di Yanmo hadn't been injured at this time, I believe Lin Qian Yi would have jumped on him and gnawed on Di Yanmo.

Lin Qian Yi stared at him motionlessly, letting him know that she was very angry now!

Di Yanmo looked at her innocently, and finally, he lowered his eyes in grievance, and pressed his lips tightly.

That appearance is as pitiful as it needs to be.

However, Lin Qian Yi knew that he was faking it!

Seeing that pretending to be pitiful was ineffective, Di Yanmo immediately changed his tactics.

Looking up, I saw a tissue on the bedside table, so I stretched out my big hand, wanting to go to the tissue and deal with the 'evidence' by myself.

However, he accidentally pulled the wound.


Di Yanmo let out a muffled groan, and frowned slightly, as if he was holding back the pain.

Sure enough, Lin Qian Yi immediately felt distressed and nervous.

"What's wrong? Where does it hurt?"

Lin Qian Yi stopped his movement and looked at him nervously.

Seeing his little wife's nervous appearance, the corners of Di Yanmo's mouth curled up indistinctly.

"It hurts, the whole body hurts."

Di Yanmo's brows frowned even more, and his deep eyes felt even more aggrieved.

Lin Qian Yi's heart softened in an instant, and she immediately wanted to ring the bell to call the doctor.

However, he was stopped by Di Yanmo.

"Don't call a doctor, I'll just take a break."

Di Yanmo grabbed her hand, held it in his hand, and stared at her firmly.

Seeing his resolute appearance, Lin Qian Yi had no choice but to give up calling the doctor, but she still asked uneasy, "Really?"


Di Yanmo nodded, and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly, "However, I still feel very uncomfortable. Can you give me the tissue? I can handle it myself."

Although the corners of Di Yanmo's mouth curled up, his voice was full of grievance and pitifulness.

I have to say, to Lin Qian Yi's ears, the lethality should not be too great!

"Lie down obediently and don't move."

Although she knew that he did it on purpose, Lin Qian Yi compromised.

Who told him to be her fourth master?

Moreover, seeing such a scoundrel and cute fourth master is simply a blessing, is there any!

No one else can see it.

Having achieved his goal, Di Yanmo immediately obediently remained still, waiting for his little wife's service.

At this moment, Di Yanmo felt that he was very happy to be injured, at least he had the happiness of his little wife, didn't he?

Thinking about it, the arc of Di Yanmo's mouth widened even more.

If Lin Qian Yi knew what he was thinking, she would definitely beat him up and sleep in the study for a month.

As Di Yanfeng said, no one came to disturb them that night.

After the two had dinner, they hugged each other warmly for a while, and Lin Qian Yi gradually fell into sleep.

The distance between the two is not as seamless as before.

Because Lin Qian Yi was afraid of hurting Fourth Master, so she resolutely made a fist-sized slit.

Although Di Yanmo was dissatisfied, he didn't want to offend his little wife.

Seeing the person in his arms sleeping soundly, Di Yanmo moved his body regardless of the pain in his body, so that the crack between the two of them disappeared completely.

Only then was Di Yanmo satisfied, holding the person in his arms tightly with both hands, smelling the familiar fragrance, he gradually fell asleep.

The next day, Lin Qian Yi slept until after nine o'clock before waking up.

This is the best and most peaceful sleep since my fourth master left.

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