My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 822 Little idiot, why can't you learn to breathe?

Waking up from her familiar embrace, Lin Qian Yi subconsciously showed a happy smile on her face, and then looked up at her fourth master.

As soon as she raised her head, Lin Qian Yi met her doting eyes, and the smile on her face suddenly became brighter.


Lin Qian Yi kissed the corner of Fourth Master's mouth as always, and gave him a good morning kiss.


Di Yanmo also kissed the corner of his young wife's mouth, but before Lin Qian Yi could react, he grabbed her lips again and began to taste carefully.

Lin Qian Yi didn't dare to move, so she could only let him do whatever he wanted.

After a long time, Di Yanmo let go of the man in his arms.

After being let go, Lin Qian Yi took a big gulp of fresh air, and her fair and tender face was stained with a blush.

"Little idiot, why can't you learn to breathe?"

Di Yanmo's big hand gently rubbed her little head, and said lovingly.

The little wife was so delicious that he couldn't get enough of it, and he really wanted to never let it go.

It's a pity that the little wife still hasn't learned how to breathe, and he doesn't want to make her faint.

Otherwise, with my little wife's temperament, I'm afraid she won't let him get close in the future.

Lin Qian Yi pouted and rolled her eyes silently, "I don't want to learn."

Who knew that after learning it, her fourth master would nibble on her all the time?

In that case, her lips would definitely be very red, and it would be obvious at a glance, why did she do something bad?

So, even if you feel dizzy, don't learn it!

Lin Qian Yi thought secretly in her heart.

Looking at his little wife's rolling eyes, Di Yanmo smiled helplessly. His little wife might be planning something again.

Fearing that what happened yesterday would happen again, Lin Qian Yi immediately slipped out of bed and ran into the bathroom to wash up.

After that, he carefully washed his fourth master.

Lin Qian Yi had just packed her things when there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in."

Lin Qian Yi put down the water glass and said.

As soon as the voice fell, the door of the ward was opened instantly.

First, Di Yanfeng poked his head in cautiously. After confirming that the ward was safe, he walked in with a smile.

There are a bunch of people behind.

Among them were the Jiang family father and son, Xia Yuwei, and the Emperor family couple who were pushed in in wheelchairs.

Even Qi Ling, Song Le and the others who didn't know where to go for their honeymoon came one by one.

"Little Yiyi, how are you? Are you hurt anywhere?"

As soon as he entered the ward, Jiang Mingchen immediately walked to Lin Qian Yi's side, looked at her with concern and asked.

Lin Qian Yi stood up, smiled and shook her head, "Yan Mo showed up in time to save me, I'm fine."

Hearing this, Jiang Mingchen's heart finally let go.

However, a look of disappointment flashed across his eyes.

He originally wanted to protect Lin Qian Yi, but Lin Qian Yi refused.

After hearing what happened to her, he wished he could rush to the hospital immediately to see how she was doing.

However, he was stopped by the people guarding the hospital. Only now did he see Lin Qian Yi.

"It's fine, don't scare me next time, you know, my little heart is never scared."

After confirming that Lin Qian Yi was fine, Jiang Mingchen resumed his carefree appearance, clutching his heart, and said in a funny way.

Lin Qian Yi rolled her eyes at him impolitely, "How many years has it been, isn't your little heart still in good shape?"

Lin Qian Yi deliberately accentuated the word'little heart'.

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