My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 826 When you are in love, remember to close the door first

What Lin Qian Yi could think of, after saying this, she immediately thought of it.

So, Di Yanfeng couldn't wait, and wanted to go to the dungeon of the military camp to interrogate those people.

"Brother, sister-in-law, please continue to love each other, and we won't bother you."

Excitedly, Di Yanfeng pulled his wife away.

As soon as the door was closed, he stuck his head in and added, "However, when you are in love, remember to close the door first."

After finishing speaking, before Lin Qian Yi could react, she closed the door with a' bang' and left as if fleeing for her life.

Looking at the closed door, the corner of Lin Qian Yi's mouth twitched slightly, feeling the urge to catch that bastard Di Yanfeng back and beat him up.

Lin Qian Yi turned her head, and when she met fourth master's gaze, she was immediately taken aback.

"You, what do you want?"

Lin Qian Yi looked at her fourth master vigilantly, her legs unconsciously wanted to step back.

That fiery gaze, what the hell, she just shouldn't be too familiar with it!

Once her fourth master showed such a look, she would definitely be extremely sour.

It's like yesterday.

So, it's better to sneak ahead!

"Then what, it's almost noon, it's almost time for lunch, I'm going to pack the food and come back."

With that said, Lin Qian Yi immediately retracted her hand like a frightened rabbit, and slipped out of the ward at an extraordinary speed.

Looking at his little wife who had run away, the corners of Di Yanmo's mouth curled up into an evil curve.

"Can you really escape?"

Di Yanmo's voice was hoarse and charming, making people fall unconsciously.

Unfortunately, at this time, there was no one else in the ward except himself.

After escaping from the ward, Lin Qian Yi patted her little heart, looking like she was alive after a catastrophe.

Enthusiastic fourth master, it's too scary, is it true!

She still prefers the aloof fourth master, at least, the aloof fourth master won't make her extremely sour!

Lin Qian Yi thought bitterly, her beautiful little face was almost wrinkled into a bun.


Just as Lin Qian Yi was thinking about her fourth master, a middle-aged woman suddenly rushed out of the front ward.

The two didn't notice each other for a while, so they bumped into each other.

"How do you walk? Don't you have eyes?! If you hurt me, you won't even be able to pay for it!"

Lin Qian Yi just wanted to apologize, but the other party had already spat out a lot of words fiercely.

That haughty and contemptuous posture should not be too obvious.

Lin Qian Yi's face turned cold. Although it was her fault that she accidentally bumped into someone, the middle-aged woman obviously found fault on purpose.

Then she naturally wouldn't use her hot face to touch a woman's cold butt.

Besides, the middle-aged women rushed out just now, and they are also partly responsible.

Lin Qian Yi was about to speak, but was interrupted by the middle-aged woman again.

After seeing Lin Qian Yi's appearance clearly, the middle-aged woman widened her eyes in horror, and her fat body couldn't help trembling slightly, as if she was terrified of Lin Qian Yi's glance.

"Ghost, ghost, ghost!!! Don't look for me, don't look for me!!!"

The middle-aged woman's voice trembled, and the fear in her voice was very obvious, as if Lin Qian Yi was really a ghost.


After the middle-aged woman screamed in fear, she returned to her ward as if being chased by a ghost, and closed the door forcefully with a 'bang'.

Looking at the closed door, the corner of Lin Qian Yi's mouth twitched slightly, and a row of crows flew over her head.

Lin Qian Yi shook her head speechlessly, and wanted to leave to pack food for her fourth master.

After walking a few steps, Lin Qian Yi suddenly stopped.

Because, she suddenly remembered that she had seen the middle-aged woman just now, and she had seen it when she was at Sun's house.

At that time, when the middle-aged woman saw her, she also showed a frightened expression, as if she was really a scary ghost.

However, the middle-aged woman called her Lin Siwan?

"Lin Siwan? Lin?"

Lin Qian Yi muttered the name, her bright eyes flickering on and off.

ps: Eight chapters on the 8th have been updated~

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