My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 827 Lin Qian Yi's life experience, a conspiracy?

Lin Qian Yi thought carefully about the first time she met a middle-aged woman, what the woman said to her.

The woman said: None of her business? Zhu Lihua killed her? Ask her to find Zhu Lihua?

After Lin Qian Yi's quick analysis, Lin Qian Yi absolutely believed that the woman regarded her as another person.

Moreover, that person is extremely similar to her.

Or rather, she was too much like that person.

Otherwise, the woman would not regard her as that person.

But who is that person?

Moreover, it is also a surname Lin, is it a coincidence? Or is it all about her?

Could Lin Siwan be her biological mother?

Although there are very few people who take their mother's surname, it is not impossible.

But, why did the woman say that it was none of her business, that Zhu Lihua had harmed her?

Or in other words, did she kill that woman named Lin Siwan?

Lin Qian Yi faintly felt that this matter was not simple.

Or, it has something to do with her real life experience.

However, Lin Qian Yi was a little conflicted, because she was very satisfied with her current life, and she never thought about finding her biological parents back.

Now, she suddenly knew some information about her biological mother, which made her a little overwhelmed and didn't know what to do.

Lin Qian Yi subconsciously thought of her own mother, who was her adoptive mother who loved her so much, Xia Yuwei.

If mom finds out, I'm afraid she will be sad, right?

Having lived with Xia Yuwei for more than 20 years, Lin Qian Yi absolutely did not want to make Xia Yuwei sad.

However, listening to the woman's words just now, Lin Qian Yi noticed that the background behind her was not simple.

Also, why was she placed at Xia Yuwei's door not long after she was born?

Moreover, the woman kept saying that Lin Siwan was killed by Zhu Lihua, and that she was a ghost?

To be more precise, it was the woman who said that Lin Siwan was a ghost.

Then it shows that Lin Siwan is already dead in the woman's perception.

After analysis, Lin Qian Yi knew that the reason why she was taken away after birth and Lin Siwan's death was all due to a conspiracy.

As for the conspiracy, she didn't know.

At this moment, Lin Qian Yi was in a dilemma.

She didn't want to make Xia Yuwei sad, but she also wanted to know what happened to her biological mother.

In other words, her biological mother didn't want her anymore, but was killed by someone?

Lin Qian Yi frowned tightly, feeling that her mind was in a mess, she simply shook her head, forcing herself not to think about it.

However, is it really possible?

After packing a few meals at the restaurant near the hospital, Lin Qian Yi drifted back to the hospital like sleepwalking.

As soon as he entered the ward, Di Yanmo saw the strangeness of his little wife.

His eyes flickered, and Di Yanmo asked softly, "What's wrong? What happened?"

While asking questions, Di Yanmo kept his eyes on his little wife's expression, trying to see something from her expression.

Lin Qian Yi put the food in her hand on the side cabinet, and then went to set up the table on the hospital bed.

During this period, Lin Qian Yi kept frowning, her bright eyes were full of distress, as if she didn't even hear Di Yanmo's words.

Seeing this, Di Yanmo became even more certain that something must have happened to his little wife.

Moreover, it was something that bothered her extremely.

Watching his little wife go to the food on the counter, Di Yanmo reached out and grabbed her little hand.

With her hand caught, Lin Qian Yi looked subconsciously, and met the deep eyes of her fourth master.

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