My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 832 Do you agree to fine you to sleep in the study tonight?

As for Lin Qian Yi, seeing her fourth master nodding, a look of surprise flashed in her eyes.

Her fourth master actually agreed to let her run away from home?

Soon, after being surprised, Lin Qian Yi realized again, with her family's fourth master's black belly.

There must be another move.

Sure enough, Lin Qian Yi's guess was verified in the next moment.

"I'll ask Uncle Chen to clean up."

Di Yanmo said calmly.

"Pack what?"

Lin Qian Yi was a little confused.

"Didn't you run away from home? I asked Uncle Chen to pack up his clothes. Our family of four ran away together."

Di Yanmo said very innocently.

The corner of Lin Qian Yi's mouth twitched fiercely, feeling the urge to dig a hole and bury her fourth master.

But Di Yanfeng and Su Xiaoqing silently gave Di Yanmo thirty-two praises in their hearts.

In terms of black belly, Di Yanmo is the first person.

"Di Yan Mo!"

Lin Qian Yi gritted her teeth and clenched her hands into fists.

"Here, here we are."

Di Yanmo looked at his little wife with a smile.

"It's fun to tease me, isn't it?"


Di Yanmo nodded very honestly.

Immediately, as if aware of the dangerous aura of the little wife, he immediately shook his head, "It's not fun."

Lin Qian Yi glared at him again, "You will be fined to sleep in the study tonight, do you agree?"


Di Yanmo answered without hesitation, and at the same time, looked at his little wife resentfully.

However, Di Yanmo pressed hard, but Lin Qian Yi smiled.

"If you don't agree, you have to agree, and objection is invalid."

With a domineering wave of her hand, Lin Qian Yi decided Di Yanmo's whereabouts tonight.

Looking at the handsome face of her fourth master's aggrieved face, Lin Qian Yi smiled smugly.

Seeing the smile on his little wife's face, a smile flashed across Di Yanmo's eyes, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly in a doting way.

The little wife only needs to be carefree, and let him take care of other things.

For his sister-in-law's arrogance, Di Yanfeng silently gave thirty-two praises in his heart.

The only one who can talk to my brother like this, and can make my brother submit obediently, is my sister-in-law.

In Di Yanfeng's heart, sister-in-law is absolutely mighty and domineering.

Knowing that Di Yanmo came back from the hospital, Uncle Chen had already started preparing dinner, as long as he waited for someone to come back, he could start eating.

On the other hand, Di Yanfeng was not polite, took his wife and lord, and spent dinner at his brother's house.

"Hmm, it's delicious, Uncle Chen's craftsmanship is getting better and better."

As soon as the food was served, Di Yanfeng couldn't wait, picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

At the same time, he did not forget to praise Chen Bo as a great chef.

Uncle Chen put the last dish away with a smile on his old face.

"It's as long as Fifth Young Master likes it. Fifth Young Master hasn't eaten my food for a long time. I'm afraid it won't suit Fifth Young Master's taste."

It is the happiest thing for a cook to be recognized by others for the meals he cooks.

Di Yanfeng kept talking, stuffed with food, and said with some slurred words:

"How come, my favorite is the food made by Uncle Chen. I wish I could eat it every day."

Di Yanfeng's wolfing down had already told everyone, it was definitely his truth.

Hearing this, Uncle Chen became even happier.

An hour later, several people sat in the living room.

And the two little buns were taken by Uncle Chen to take a bath.

"Brother, I have already cross-examined the members of the Sun family. This incident is indeed related to that woman Qiu Yuxian."

Di Yanfeng looked at his brother on the opposite side seriously and said.

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