Hearing this, Lin Qian Yi's face darkened.

It never occurred to her that Qiu Yuxian, who had lost one of her hands, would have any bargaining chips that could impress Sun Gang.

The person behind Qiu Yuxian before was Di Bowen.

But Di Bowen was kicked by her family's fourth master three years ago.

Therefore, Qiu Yuxian didn't have any bargaining chips.

It is absolutely impossible to say that Sun Gang is greedy for Qiu Yuxian's beauty.

Even though Qiu Yuxian is really good-looking, there are many women who are prettier than her.

It's not worth Sun Gang's trouble to bring her out of KTV.

So, why?


Di Yanmo said indifferently.

"That Qiu Yuxian hooked up with Prince C through one of Prince C's subordinates. For some reason, he persuaded the prince to cooperate with the Kang family."

Di Yanfeng sorted out the information he had obtained during cross-examination and said it out.

"In addition to being a prince, the prince is also a chief. In another mission, Mr. Kang helped him. Therefore, when Mr. Kang wanted to deal with his brother-in-law, he only wanted to ask the prince to help him."

Undoubtedly, that hit Qiu Yuxian's plan.

However, I just don't know if Qiu Yuxian had arranged this step long ago, or if it was really just a coincidence.

"Didn't you get anything out of that prince's mouth?"

Lin Qian Yi asked.

Qiu Yuxian couldn't think of any reason to persuade a prince to deal with people from other countries.

It can make a prince of a country not hesitate to destroy the relationship between the two countries, just to deal with the head of another country.

In other words, help Qiu Yuxian deal with the Emperor's family!

Is the bargaining chip in Qiu Yuxian's hand really that crazy?

Di Yanfeng shook his head, "Prince C is dead. He died suddenly on the second day of his detention."

"However, Sun Gang said that it was because of the benefits that Prince C gave him that he had the courage to conspire against the Emperor's family."

Speaking of the Sun family, a killing intent flashed in Di Yanfeng's eyes.

Thinking that his sister-in-law almost died, Di Yanfeng wished he could get rid of everyone in the Sun family immediately.

But soon, as long as the Sun family has no value, it will disappear from City A forever.

"Clean it up."

A strong killing intent flashed in Di Yanmo's eyes, ruthlessly deciding the fate of the Sun family and the Kang family.

"I see."

Di Yanfeng nodded.

He doesn't think that his own brother is ruthless. In this world, the weak eat the strong.

What's more, those people still want their lives, so they can't stay.

There was a lot of commotion about the Emperor's family that day, but no one dared to inquire about what happened.

No one dared to talk about the emperor's family.

Because the Sun family and the Kang family who suddenly disappeared are the best examples.

No one would think it was too long to touch the emperor's reverse scale.

"By the way, where is the old lady? How are they doing?"

Lin Qian Yi suddenly remembered that her fourth master had gone to help Kang Junyan.

But why only her fourth master came back?

"Brother-in-law is still in the barracks. His injuries are too serious and he is not suitable for moving. He will come back when he recovers. My sister and Zixuan are also there."

Di Yanfeng consciously became the sister-in-law's Q\u0026A smartphone.

Hearing this, Lin Qian Yi heaved a sigh of relief and nodded slightly.

Although he was injured, saving his life was already the best result.

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