My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 834 Lin Qian Yi was automatically sent to Di Yanmo, a wolf?

After chatting about the business, Di Yanfeng dragged his wife to escape.

Di Yanfeng believes that if they don't leave, his brother Juebi will shoot them with his eyes!

Didn't you see the anxious look of your brother? It's just that I want to punish my sister-in-law on the spot, is there any reason!

Therefore, in order not to be remembered by his brother, he should run for his life.

My brother has held back for so long, cough cough, with my brother's explosive power, can my sister-in-law get out of bed for a walk tomorrow?

Di Yanfeng couldn't help but silently mourned for his sister-in-law for a second in his heart.

Di Yanmo expressed his satisfaction with Di Yanfeng's knowledge.

Looking at Di Yanfeng's back as if they were fleeing for their lives, the corner of Lin Qian Yi's mouth twitched slightly, and countless black lines fell down her forehead.

How terrifying is she that made Di Yanfeng, a big man, run for his life like a ghost?

After Lin Qian Yi silently despised Di Yanfeng, she wanted to help her fourth master to the bedroom.

However, as soon as he turned his head, he met his fourth master's scorching gaze, which seemed to set her on fire, did she really have it!

Lin Qian Yi was startled, and subconsciously wanted to run away.

However, Di Yanmo's light words immediately stopped her from running away.

At this moment, Lin Qian Yi's running posture was similar to Di Yanfeng's running posture just now.

Realizing this, Lin Qian Yi immediately withdrew her contempt for Yan Feng just now.

It's not that they are timid, it's that Fourth Master is too scary, is there any reason!

"I'm hurt, and the wound hurts."

Di Yanmo looked at his little wife who was about to run away, and the corners of his mouth curled up in a sinister arc.

Lin Qian Yi froze in place, looking at her fourth master bitterly, the words 'Please let me go' were almost written on her face.

Once my fourth master looks at her with such hot eyes, and it's still at night, then she will definitely be extremely sour the next day.

Therefore, whenever she felt fourth master's hot gaze at night, she subconsciously wanted to run away.

Although, none of them managed to escape successfully.

Di Yanmo looked at his little wife accusingly, pretending to be pitiful.

Not surprisingly, Lin Qian Yi's heart softened to the point where she almost had the urge to bury her family.

It's too disappointing, is there any!

However, my fourth master is really contrasting and cute, so cute, so cute, isn't it!

At this moment, Lin Qian Yi had completely forgotten about the bold words to let the fourth master sleep in the study tonight.

Lin Qian Yi carefully helped her fourth master upstairs, let him sit on the edge of the bed, and went to the bathroom to fill the water by herself.

This bedroom is almost the same as the previous one, and it feels very warm as well.

Or, it's because of the relationship with the person you love.

Lin Qian Yi fetched a basin of warm water, and then carefully took off her fourth master's shirt.

Seeing the red and scabbed back, Lin Qian Yi's heart ached so badly that she almost couldn't breathe.

Her bright eyes were filled with distress.

At that time, my fourth master must have been in pain, his entire back was burned, how could it not hurt?

However, even so, her fourth master still only cared about comforting her, and didn't pass out until she was relieved.

There is really no way for her not to love such a fourth master.

If possible, she hopes to be with her fourth master forever and ever.

"Does it still hurt?"

Lin Qian Yi stood in front of Fourth Master, leaned over and carefully avoided the wound, and wiped his body.

The clothes Lin Qian Yi was wearing today were of the low-necked kind, and she bent over like this.

It's like automatically sending myself into the mouth of the big wolf, Di Yanmo, is there any reason!

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