My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 835 Stop making trouble, your injury hasn't healed yet

Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him, Di Yanmo's eyes became deeper, and his eyes were even more terrifyingly hot.

However, Lin Qian Yi did not notice this strangeness in Di Yanmo.

Because, all her attention at this time is on carefully wiping her fourth master.

"No pain."

Di Yanmo's voice was hoarse and alluring, as if possessing the magic power to confuse and confuse people.

However, his fiery gaze did not last for a moment, looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him, as if he couldn't bear to look away no matter what.

Di Yanmo's answer did not reduce the pain in Lin Qian Yi's heart, but made it worse.

Lin Qian Yi bit her lip, and became more cautious in wiping.

Lin Qian Yi, who was wiping carefully, did not realize that as time passed, she had disappeared without a trace, and was held in Di Yanmo's arms.

She didn't react until she finished wiping.

However, it was too late.

At this time, Lin Qian Yi was standing, while Di Yanmo was sitting on the bed, with his arms around Lin Qian Yi's waist, and his head resting on her stomach.

"Yanmo, stop making trouble, your injury is not healed yet."

Lin Qian Yi said worriedly.

However, she didn't dare to move, lest she would touch the wound on her fourth master's body.

"I miss you."

Di Yanmo didn't let go, but hugged him even tighter, and the temperature of his body gradually became hotter.

Lin Qian Yi smiled helplessly, of course she knew what her fourth master meant by the 'thinking'.

However, my fourth master's health is not good yet.

The doctor told me not to do strenuous exercise.

Therefore, for the good of my fourth master, don't be fooled by his masculinity anymore!

Lin Qian Yi secretly cheered herself up in her heart, and became more determined in her determination.

"You haven't healed yet, so don't make too much movement, be good, go to sleep."

Lin Qian Yi patted his head and said coaxing a child.

At the same time, she also tried to break away his big hands that were holding her waist.

However, they couldn't be opened no matter what. Fourth Master's big hands were like iron tongs, motionless.

"No, I miss you, I feel bad."

Di Yanmo raised his head, with obvious grievances on his handsome face.

Di Yanmo once again used the beauty trick and the trick of pretending to be pitiful. However, will he really succeed this time?

Seeing fourth master's aggrieved appearance, Lin Qian Yi's heart softened immediately.

However, when he thought of Ye Li's instructions when he was discharged from the hospital, his softened heart instantly stiffened.

"No, Ye Li just said that your wound has exploded once before. If it explodes again, it will take longer to recuperate, and the root cause of the disease will also be left behind."

Lin Qian Yi cared very much about her fourth master's health, and she carried it out very strictly.

However, Lin Qian Yi, who blurted it out, completely forgot that Ye Li told her never to say those words in the end, he was the one who said them.

Otherwise, he will definitely be retaliated by the boss Chi Guoguo.

In other words, at that time, Lin Qian Yi was only worried about her fourth master, and didn't care about Ye Li's last sentence, which had nothing to do with fourth master.

So, not long after, Ye Li was saddened.

Hearing Ye Li's name, Di Yanmo narrowed his deep eyes slightly, and a hint of danger flashed in his eyes.

"Hey, it's late, go to sleep."

Lin Qian Yi coaxed again.

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