My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 849 Absolutely not, I won't leave even if killed

have no choice? What is my fourth master helpless about?

She doesn't seem to have done anything wrong, does she? Although, she often gets into trouble, yes.

"No, you can't hurt Yiyi, she is your wife, how can you not trust her?!"

Seeing that Di Yanmo looked as cold as the king of Hades, Yao Wenxi was anxious.

In his opinion, shouldn't two people who love each other trust each other?

Even under any circumstances.

Hearing Yao Wenxi's words of protection to her, Lin Qian Yi finally knew what her fourth master was helpless about.

I have to say that this misunderstanding is a bit tricky, at least for her fourth master.

"Uh, that, Wenxi, you misunderstood, Yan Mo..."

Lin Qianyi explained to Yao Wenxi.

However, Yao Wenxi interrupted him before he finished speaking.

"Yiyi, don't worry, even if he is your husband, I won't let him hurt you, you are a good girl, if he doesn't know how to cherish you, just leave him."

In Yao Wenxi's opinion, Lin Qian Yi was the best girl.

If, as a husband, Di Yanmo didn't even believe his wife, then he would feel very worthless for Lin Qian Yi.

How can a husband who doesn't even trust his wife be happy when they are together?

After Yao Wenxi's words came out, Lin Qianyi felt bad.

Sure enough, Di Yanmo, who was still possessed by the king of Hades just now, instantly turned into a god of destruction.

It's simply too terrifying, isn't it!

"Don't, don't, don't be angry, Yan Mo, calm down, you must calm down, he misunderstood, he definitely didn't mean it."

Seeing that her fourth master was really angry, Lin Qian Yi immediately ran over and hugged his arm tightly.

To prevent him from being violent suddenly, he kicked Yao Wenxi into the sky.

Her fourth master's kick was no joke.

Tong Zishan, who is still lying on the ground with a painful face, is a good example.

Di Yanmo looked down at his little wife, his thin lips were tightly pressed, and his deep eyes stared at her without blinking.

Facing her fourth master's eyes, Lin Qian Yi felt a little guilty, although she didn't know why she was guilty.

"Don't be angry, okay? Can I treat you to a cake?"

With that said, Lin Qian Yi quickly picked up a cup of cake from the long table beside her, forked a small piece, and put it to her fourth master's mouth.

Seeing his little wife's flattering appearance, Di Yanmo's anger was extinguished quite a bit in an instant.

However, the account still has to be settled.

"Are you leaving me?"

Di Yanmo stared at his little wife and asked coolly.

"No, no, absolutely not, I won't leave even if I'm killed."

Lin Qian Yi hurriedly shook her head again and again, and said in a slightly exaggerated way.

In an instant, Di Yanmo's anger subsided a bit again.

"you like him?"

As he said that, Di Yanmo cast a cold glance, and Yao Wenxi was stunned at this moment.

However, this time, Lin Qian Yi did not answer immediately, but frowned slightly, as if she was thinking about this question seriously.

Seeing her reaction, Di Yanmo's anger had just subsided a little bit, and it suddenly swelled up.

Sensing the danger of her fourth master, Lin Qian Yi quickly shook her head, "I don't like it, I don't like it."

However, he immediately added, "However, getting along with Wenxi feels very good, as if we are relatives."

Di Yanmo's face darkened instantly.

Get along well? Relatives in general? Her little wife, did she fall in love with Yao Wenxi?

Seeing her fourth master's black face, Lin Qian Yi immediately knew that she had said something wrong again.

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