But what she said was the truth!

"No, no, that, I just think that Wenxi is a very worthwhile friend, yes, it is a friend."

Lin Qian Yi hurriedly explained bitterly.

However, there are many mistakes and more mistakes, and the description becomes darker and darker.

Looking at the stupid and cute mommy, Di Mo got a big bun and expressed that he couldn't stand it anymore.

If Mommy continues to talk like this, Di Yanmo deeply believes that his father's competition will definitely explode.

Of course, Dad will never explode with Mommy, and the unlucky ones will definitely be people around Dad.

Just like this mommy's friend in front of me, like him? For example, little uncle?

Anyway, no matter how unlucky it is, it won't be my mommy's turn.

In order not to be unlucky enough to be affected by his own father, Di Moshen's big bun hurried forward and tugged at Mommy's skirt.

Lin Qian Yi looked down, blinked her eyes, and didn't understand why the big bun called her at this critical moment.

"Mum, is this brother younger than you?"

As Di Moshen said, he pointed at Yao Wenxi.

Lin Qian Yi nodded, "Yes."

When he was in the hospital last time, Yao Wenxi used his ID card to register her. She happened to catch the date on his ID card.

"Then Mommy, do you regard this elder brother as your younger brother?"

Di Moshen's big bun continued to ask.


This time, Lin Qian Yi nodded again without hesitation.

After she blurted out, Lin Qian Yi herself was obviously taken aback.

It turned out that she regarded Yao Wenxi as her younger brother?

But why? They obviously only met for the second time?

Mommy's answer made Di Moshen nod his head in satisfaction, and then pulled Pabby's pants with his small hand.

"Daddy, Mommy doesn't like this brother, she just treats him as a younger brother, and the younger brother will not take Mommy away."

Di Mo raised his little head deeply, and said to his father with a face like a little grown-up.

After listening to his son's words, Di Yanmo's anger was miraculously extinguished.

Moreover, he rubbed his son's little head as a reward.

Seeing that Dad has no signs of breaking out.

Di Moshen knew that he was safe, so he obediently stepped aside and continued eating cakes with his sister.

Looking at her cool big steamed stuffed bun, Lin Qian Yi silently gave thirty-two likes in her heart.

It's so easy to get rid of my fourth master, how high is the IQ?

Lin Qian Yi couldn't help but wonder secretly, should she take her big steamed stuffed bun to test her IQ?

Maybe she will be like her fourth master, a non-human being?

Seeing his little wife staring at his son and giggling, Di Yanmo's mouth twitched helplessly.

His little wife really likes to be in a daze all the time.

"I want strawberry flavored ones."

Di Yanmo approached his little wife's ear, and said in a low voice.

The scorching breath on her ears brought Lin Qian Yi back to her senses in an instant. Hearing what her fourth master said, she hurried to change to a strawberry flavored cake.

Seeing two people who were fed and fed satisfactorily, everyone was a little dumbfounded.

He was clearly a demon just now, so why did he suddenly become a good and loyal dog?

Among them, the one who is most unwilling is Tong Zishan who can't stand the stomachache.

Seeing the change in front of him, Yao Wenxi finally realized that he had misunderstood Di Yanmo.

Di Yanmo's current behavior is completely trusting his wife, although he is jealous.

However, he absolutely believed in his wife.

Seeing Yao Wenxi being ignored by his young wife, Di Yanmo's mood became better.

What about my brother? The little wife's attention can only be on him, and he will never allow others to steal the little wife's attention!

Di Yanmo thought domineeringly in his heart.

"Fourth Master? Is it really you, Fourth Master?"

Just as Lin Qian Yi and the two of them were feeding themselves, a flattering and extremely excited voice came from the crowd.

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