My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 856 The original Lin Group has become an empty shell

"The ambition is really big, and I am not afraid of choking to death."

After reading the information, Lin Qian Yi's expression became completely gloomy, and her eyes were filled with a biting chill.

In the case of the Lin family, anyone can see how obvious the tricks are.

However, everything was cleaned up by Yue Kelin, leaving no clues at all.

Di Yanmo stopped wiping, put his hands around his wife's waist, and rested his chin on her shoulder.

"Ambient people are the best to deal with. I am afraid that they are not ambitious."

Di Yanmo said quietly, his deep eyes were also full of coldness.

The enemy of the little wife is his enemy, so, in his eyes, Yue Kelin is already a dead person.

Lin Qian Yi took a deep breath, tried her best to suppress the overwhelming hatred in her heart, and asked calmly, "Can't you even find out about YE?"

"It's been too long, and what's more, Yue Kelin did too clean back then, and the people involved are already dead."

The light in Di Yanmo's eyes dimmed, and the coldness in his eyes grew even worse.

Lin Qian Yi clenched her fist tightly, although she had never seen her mother.

However, she knew that Lin Siwan loved her.

This can be seen from the photos that Di Yanfeng sent along with the documents.

It was a photo of Lin Siwan when she was pregnant, but in all the photos, Lin Siwan was the only one.

Lin Qian Yi could see Lin Siwan's love for her, and at the same time, she could also see the loneliness in her eyes.

That loneliness was probably because of Yue Kelin.

With Di Yanmo's big hand, he gently broke away Lin Qian Yi's tightly clenched hand, and then put it on his lips and kissed it.

"Don't hurt yourself at any time, you know?"

Di Yanmo looked sideways at her, and gently caressed her fair and tender face with his other big hand.

It seemed to be comforting silently.

Feeling the tenderness and comfort of her fourth master, Lin Qian Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and the corners of her mouth curled up.


Lin Qian Yi nodded.

"Twenty years ago, the Lin family was the leading group in city B, but now it has become a middle-level group in city B, which shows that Yue Kelin's ability is not very good.

In other words, the current Yue Group has almost been scooped up by him, right? "

Lin Qian Yi leaned in the arms of her fourth master, analyzing the words.

Embracing the softness in his arms, Di Yanmo's cold face softened more and more, and the fragrance of the person in his arms fascinated him endlessly.

"Well, the current Yue Group is nothing but an empty shell."

Di Yanmo confirmed Lin Qian Yi's guess.

Lin Qian Yi raised her eyebrows slightly, "Can you find out what Yue Kelin has done these years?"

Being able to turn the huge Lin Group into an empty shell, Yue Kelin's ability is really not ordinary.

"His position has always been piled up with Lin's money. That's why Yue's Group has become an empty shell."

Di Yanmo replied.

A flash of surprise flashed in Lin Qian Yi's eyes, and she spoke again after a while, "So, there is someone above him?"

Otherwise, how could it be possible for Yue Kelin to climb to the position of Secretary of Country A in just over twenty years with only money?

"Money is a good thing, isn't it?"

Di Yanmo chuckled lightly, kissed his little wife's neck, and buried his handsome face in her neck and remained still.

The scorching breath sprayed on her neck, causing Lin Qian Yi to shrink her neck, but she didn't dodge it.

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