"Although we can't find anything about the Lin family, we have found every piece of information about Yue Kelin's progress over the years. Do you need to do something?"

Di Yanmo said in a muffled voice.

When Di Yanmo was speaking, his thin lips faintly touched Lin Qian Yi's neck.

Lin Qian Yi's body temperature gradually became hotter.

Lin Qian Yi took his big hand and pinched him viciously, but she was not willing to use force.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Qian Yi shook her head.

"No, I want to know what happened back then, what it was like, I will let them tell me personally!"

Lin Qian Yi's bright eyes were filled with a biting chill.

"Since he wants to run for the presidency, he must spend more money and pile himself up.

However, the current Yue Group is just an empty shelf with its own appearance, and there is no way for him to pile himself into the position of president. "

Speaking of this, the corner of Lin Qian Yi's mouth curled up in a mocking arc, and her eyes were full of sternness.


Di Yanmo asked in a hoarse voice.

"So, if you have a son-in-law who is as rich as a country, then things will be much easier, isn't it?"

Lin Qian Yi smiled treacherously, her tone full of determination.

Hearing this, Di Yanmo chuckled, opened his mouth and bit her tender neck, "What a cunning little fox."

Lin Qian Yi smiled brightly, and said with a smile, "It's not because you taught me well, Fourth Master, so, do I count as being better than blue?"

Di Yanmo finally raised his head, grabbed his little wife's head, and kissed the corner of her mouth hard.

"It would be even better if the little wife was green on the bed."

Di Yanmo said evilly in the ear of his little wife.

The corner of Lin Qian Yi's mouth twitched slightly, feeling the urge to beat up her fourth master.

"I'm telling you something serious now, what are you thinking in your mind!"

Lin Qian Yi glared at him pretending to be angry, and hummed.

Di Yanmo blinked innocently, and looked at his little wife sincerely.

"What I'm talking about is business. As for what's on my mind, of course it's my little wife, your lovely little wife, your f*cking little wife, and after the 'movement'..."

A hint of cunning flashed across Di Yanmo's deep eyes, and the corners of his mouth evoked a trace of evil charm.

However, before she finished speaking, Lin Qian Yi covered her mouth.

"Stop, stop, okay, okay, it's all business, it's all business."

Lin Qian Yi nodded in embarrassment and helplessness.

If her fourth master was allowed to continue talking, she would definitely have a hole.

The fourth master who became a rascal was really not something she could resist.

Seeing his little wife's compromising appearance, the corners of Di Yanmo's mouth widened, and his deep eyes were full of smiles.

"Then little wife, how do you plan to make the enemy come to you automatically?"

Di Yanmo pulled down her little hand and asked.

Lin Qian Yi raised her brows slightly, and looked at Fourth Master with a smile, "You will have a solution, won't you? An incomparably rich son-in-law?"

Facing his young wife's teasing gaze, Di Yanmo chuckled lightly, then moved his body and threw him down.

"as you wish."

Looking at the person in his arms, Di Yanmo's eyes were filled with heat, and as soon as he finished speaking, he blocked his little wife's lips, greedily tasting her delicious food.

Not long after, a wonderful movement sounded in the huge bedroom.

The next morning, Lin Qian Yi was carried downstairs by her fourth master.

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