My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 858 Let's go to the garden to bask in the sun and recover our strength, continue tonigh

Lin Qian Yi gritted her teeth. Last night, her fourth master even said that it would be very difficult for the enemy to come to him automatically.

So, let her reward him.

As a result of the reward, she almost couldn't get out of bed today!

The most important thing is that her fourth master never gave her a chance to refuse, it was intentional!

Feeling the resentful eyes of his little wife, the corners of Di Yanmo's mouth did not drop.

"Hey, after breakfast, let's go to the garden to bask in the sun and recover our strength. We will continue tonight."

Di Yanmo said aggressively.

On his handsome face, there was a look of satisfaction after eating and thirsting.

"Continue your size, don't touch me tonight, otherwise, I will let you sleep in the study for a month!"

Lin Qian Yi gritted her teeth and waved her fist, Chi Guoguo threatened.

Seeing this, Di Yanmo glanced at his little wife with grievances, and then nodded obediently under the threat of force.

However, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and a hint of cunning flashed in his eyes.

The little wife also said last night that she let him sleep in the study for a month, but every time he fooled her and forgot.

Di Yanmo absolutely did not admit it, he did it on purpose.

Lin Qian Yi, who didn't know what Di Yanmo was thinking, was very satisfied with how her fourth master obediently surrendered.

Lin Qian Yi was very happy, but if she knew what her fourth master was thinking, would she give him a good beating?

"Mommy, why did Daddy carry you downstairs again today?"

Sitting in the dining room, waiting for his father and mother to have breakfast, Di Moxin's little bun blinked his innocent eyes, looked at his mother and asked.

However, before Lin Qian Yi could answer, Di Moshen Da Baozi, who was sitting by the side, spoke first.

"Stupid, of course it was because Mommy and Dad were too tired to exchange feelings last night, so Dad carried Mommy downstairs."

Di Mo looked at his sister deeply, and said with a serious face.

Obviously, he had firmly remembered that before Uncle Chen fooled them by saying that a certain 'movement' was an 'exchange of feelings'.

Hearing that his brother said he was stupid, Di Moxin's little bun immediately became unhappy.

"I'm not stupid. I know Mommy is a girl, so after exchanging feelings with Dad, Mommy will let Dad carry her downstairs when she gets tired."

Di Mo was furious, and said excitedly, "I just forgot, you are stupid, hum!"

Looking at his tsundere sister, Di Mo blinked deeply, knowing that his sister was angry.

Di Moshen, who is controlled by his younger sister, naturally won't make his younger sister angry with him.

"Here, this little bun is delicious."

Di Mo made a big steamed stuffed bun, and put a small soup dumpling for his sister.

However, Di Moxin's little bun became even more angry, and he didn't even look at his bowl, "Hmph, it's the small buns that don't taste good, but the big buns are delicious, hum! Bad big buns!"

Mo Xin's little bun turned his head angrily, not looking at his brother.

Obviously, she misunderstood this, thinking that her brother was saying that she was delicious, after all, her nickname was Xiaobaozi.

It has to be said that this beautiful misunderstanding made Lin Qian Yi, who was still embarrassed just now, almost burst out laughing.

"Pfft hahaha——"

Finally, Lin Qian Yi, who was sitting opposite the two steamed buns, couldn't hold back her laughter.

Di Mo got deep into the bun, looked at his sister, and then at the laughing Mummy, and immediately frowned, his eyes full of doubts.

Doesn't my sister like to eat small soup dumplings? Why is my sister even more angry?

Seeing the dazed look on her big bun's face, Lin Qian Yi finally opened her mouth to vindicate him.

"Little Baozi, my brother didn't say that Xiao Baozi is delicious, but that Xiaotangbao is delicious. Look at your bowl."

Lin Qian Yi resisted the urge to burst out laughing, pointed to the small bowl of Di Moxin's little bun with a bright smile, and explained to the big bun.

Hearing Mommy's words, Di Moxin's little bun looked at his own bowl, and sure enough, he saw a little soup dumpling that she loved.

Di Moxin blinked, knowing that he had wronged his brother.

If you know your mistakes, you can correct them. This is what Mommy taught me.

So, Di Moxin's little bun immediately made a big soup bun for his brother, "The big bun is delicious, and my brother eats it too."

Facing his sister's innocent eyes, Di Moshen said that he finally felt why his sister was angry just now.

Eating yourself is a very difficult thing.

However, in order not to get angry with his sister, Di Moshen, who was controlled by his sister, obediently picked up the big bun in the bowl and carefully took a bite.

"Pfft hahaha——"

Seeing the bitter little appearance of the cool big bun, Lin Qian Yi burst out laughing again, tears came out of her eyes.


Di Yanmo, who was watching from the side, also smiled, but with a trace of helplessness in his eyes, he gently hugged her to prevent her from knocking.

After a few people had finished their breakfast, a stranger who was familiar to Lin Qian Yi ushered in the villa.

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