Yao Wenxuan's face was sincere, with a hint of apprehension in her eyes.

With Yao Wenxuan's background, if she wants something, she can just threaten others directly.

However, she came to ask Lin Qian Yi politely, and she didn't put on airs at all.

At this time, she didn't seem to be a star-studded international actress, but just an ordinary sister.

"You investigate me?"

Lin Qian Yi's first reaction was surprise, because, knowing that she loved Mo, they were basically acquaintances.

However, Yao Wenxuan was very sure that she was the painter Ai Mo.

So, that's when she was investigated.

"Sorry, I didn't intend to investigate you on purpose, let alone because you are Wenxi's friend."

Fearing that Lin Qian Yi might misunderstand, Yao Wenxuan quickly explained.

It's not easy for her younger brother to have a true friend, and she doesn't want to make Lin Qian Yi feel disgusted.

"Actually, I've always planned to ask you to help my brother draw a picture, so I investigated you. No, to be precise, I want to find 'Ai Mo'."

Yao Wenxuan continued.

"I searched for a long time, and finally I found out that you are the painter 'Ai Mo', and my younger brother's birthday is coming up, so I couldn't wait to come to you.

If I offend you, please forgive me. I really didn't mean it. It's just that Wenxi likes your paintings so much, that's why I want to ask you to draw a painting for him. "

With that said, Yao Wenxuan stood up, bowed to Lin Qian Yi Qian Yi, and sincerely apologized.

Yao Wenxuan, who is an international superstar actress and has a difficult background behind her, apologized to Lin Qian Yi without airs.

Moreover, it is very sincere.

It can be seen that Yao Wenxuan really loves her younger brother very much.

Seeing this, Lin Qian Yi quickly got up and said, "Uh, it's all right, I don't blame you, I'm just a little surprised."

Lin Qian Yi quickly explained, and then said:

"Wenxi likes my paintings. I am very happy. Wenxi is my friend. I will naturally give him a surprise on his birthday."

Yao Wenxuan looked happy, looked at Lin Qian Yi and said excitedly, "You mean, would you like to draw a picture for Wenxi?"

There was a trace of uncertainty in Yao Wenxuan's eyes, because, according to the news from the investigation, 'Ai Mo' would never paint for anyone easily.

Only she is willing, otherwise, no one can force her.

That's why Yao Wenxuan put aside her identity and came here to ask Lin Qian Yi.

Moreover, Yao Wenxuan also understands that the people who can live in the Azure Villa, which is the representative location of City A, are naturally not simple people.

Therefore, whether it is money or other means, it is useless.

"Yes, it's my birthday present to him."

Lin Qian Yi smiled slightly, affirming Yao Wenxuan's words.

In an instant, Yao Wenxuan's face was full of smiles.

"Thank you, Ms. Lin, thank you very much, but please don't tell Wenxi yet, I think of giving him a surprise then."

At this time, Yao Wenxuan's face was full of love, which was love for a younger brother and relative.

Looking at Yao Wenxuan's expression, Lin Qian Yi thought that if she also had a younger brother, she would definitely love her younger brother like Yao Wenxuan.

As soon as this thought came to Lin Qian Yi's mind, Yao Wenxi's gentle and jade-like appearance with a simple smile appeared in Lin Qian Yi's mind.

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