My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 861 Do you think my wife will be short of money?

After reacting, Lin Qian Yi couldn't help but be surprised. Is this the rhythm of her completely treating Yao Wenxi as her own brother?

How can I feel this way? Too strange.

If it is because of Yao Wenxi's simple and gentle personality, then it is impossible, after all, there are few such people in the world.

However, it is not impossible.

And Lin Qian Yi was very sure that if it was someone else, she would definitely not feel that way.

Therefore, Lin Qian Yi felt very strange, but she only thought about this question for a moment, and quickly put it aside.

"Sister Wenxuan, please be polite, just call me Qianyi."

Lin Qian Yi said lightly.

Lin Qian Yi's name was sister Yao Wenxuan, not only because Yao Wenxuan was older than her, but also because she regarded Yao Wenxuan as a respectable senior.

Although she is no longer an actress, she still admires people with superb acting skills.

Seeing that Lin Qian Yi called her sister, it was naturally inappropriate for Yao Wenxuan to be polite.

Moreover, she had a good impression of Lin Qian Yi.

"Okay, Qian Yi."

Yao Wenxuan nodded, and then said, "By the way, I don't know how much the painting costs? I can pay in cash or by bank transfer."

Yao Wenxuan looked sincere and did not intend to insult Lin Qian Yi at all.

"Do you think my wife will be short of money?"

Di Yanmo, who had been silent all this time, spoke coldly at this moment.

The cold eyes even glanced at Yao Wenxuan, causing Yao Wenxuan, who had seen many important people, to suddenly shrink her pupils, and a trace of fear flashed in her eyes.

"Sorry, I didn't mean that, I just..."

Yao Wenxuan forcibly suppressed the fear in her heart, and quickly explained.

"Sister Wenxuan, don't be nervous, he was just joking."

Seeing Yao Wenxuan's obviously frightened appearance, Lin Qian Yi interjected, then turned her head and glared at the fourth master beside her, "Right? Yan Mo."

Facing the threatening gaze of his youngest wife Chi Guoguo, Di Yanmo gave her a faint look, and then obediently responded, "En."

For her fourth master's obedient submission, Lin Qian Yi shook his big hand very satisfied.

Di Yanmo took the opportunity to hold it with his backhand, not letting go.

Lin Qian Yi glared at him again, but Di Yanmo looked away, pretending not to see it.

The corner of Lin Qian Yi's mouth twitched slightly, her fourth master, are you playing a scoundrel?

Yao Wenxuan was a little panicked at first, but seeing the interaction between the two, she immediately felt relieved.

Although the man with a strong aura in front of him belongs to the ruthless category.

However, it can be seen that he really likes Lin Qian Yi, and he loves Lin Qian Yi very much.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be so obedient to Lin Qian Yi.

Yao Wenxuan only investigated who 'Ai Mo' was, and did not investigate anything else.

So, she didn't know that Lin Qian Yi's husband was Di Yanmo, the most powerful emperor in City A.

As Di Yanmo said just now, Yao Wenxuan naturally wouldn't mention money anymore.

Moreover, will the people who can live in this villa be short of money?

"The painting is up to you, Qian Yi, I still have something to do, so I won't bother you."

Yao Wenxuan picked up her bag and stood up, smiling and thanking Lin Qian Yi.

In fact, Yao Wenxuan had nothing to do, but she was sensible and knew that Di Yanmo didn't like her disturbing their husband and wife, that's why she said so.

Now that Yao Wenxuan said so, Lin Qian Yi naturally couldn't keep people anymore, so she sent Yao Wenxuan outside the villa.

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