My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 862 Poor young master, it's so pitiful that you can see but not eat

Looking at Yao Wenxuan's car going away, Lin Qian Yi turned around, put her hands on her hips and stared at Fourth Master behind her.

Stared at by his little wife, Di Yanmo looked at her innocently.

"Are you pretending to be innocent again? Who was scaring me just now?"

Seeing her fourth master's innocent appearance, Lin Qian Yi said with a little disgust.

The speed at which her fourth master changed his face couldn't be too fast.

"What I am is the truth, my little wife, how can I be short of money?"

The wealth of the emperor's family alone is already incomparable, let alone the YE Group, which stands at the top of the world.

Adding the two together, money can be used as a weapon, and it is enough to kill people.

A few black lines fell down Lin Qian Yi's forehead in an instant, and she realized that she was speechless...

"Okay, I'll let you go this time, and scare my friends next time, I'll let you sleep in the study for a month!"

Lin Qian Yi snorted and threatened, then walked around Fourth Master and walked into the villa.

"But I never slept."

Subconsciously, Di Yanmo said such a sentence abruptly.

However, the next moment, he suddenly felt bad.

Although what he said was small, Lin Qian Yi could hear it clearly.

As expected, Lin Qian Yi exploded the next moment.

"Di Yanmo! You'll be sleeping in the study for a month from today!!"

Lin Qian Yi suddenly turned around and yelled at her fourth master. Then, without waiting for fourth master to speak, she turned and continued walking towards the villa.

Di Yanmo hurriedly followed. Although the little wife who had fried hair was extremely cute, she was also extremely terrifying.

"Uncle Chen, please ask someone to move all of Di Yanmo's belongings from the bedroom to the study, leaving nothing behind!"

As soon as Lin Qian Yi entered the villa, she said to Chen Bo who was packing the tea set in the living room.

As long as Lin Qian Yi blows her hair, she will call Di Yanmo by his full name.

Therefore, Uncle Chen knew as soon as he heard it that his young master had offended his wife again, but this time it was a little more serious.

After all, even if Madam frowned again, she never asked him to move the young master's things to the study.

It seems that this time the madam is determined to let the young master sleep in the study.

Alas, poor young master, it's so pitiful that you can see but not eat.

Uncle Chen couldn't help sighing in his heart, and at the same time, he took a pityful look at his young master.

"Yes ma'am, I'll have someone move it immediately."

Uncle Chen responded respectfully, but in his old eyes, there was a schadenfreude?

Are you sure this is the housekeeper?

Seeing that his little wife had really lost his temper, Di Yanmo immediately felt bitter, but he didn't dare to refute his little wife.

Because, the end will only be worse.

Therefore, he can only start with his little wife. Only when his little wife calms down can he return to his status as a husband!

Otherwise, he would really be a single dog for a month in the study.

"I was wrong."

In order not to become a single dog, Di Yanmo gave up his integrity without hesitation, and followed his little wife like a big loyal dog, pitifully admitting his mistake.

However, Lin Qian ignored her and snorted arrogantly.

This time, she must let fourth master sleep in the study tonight, otherwise, her fourth master really doesn't take her'family law' seriously!

Seeing that his little wife was unmoved, Di Yanmo immediately became even more pitiful, and just wanted to continue to admit his mistake.


The door slams.


Di Yanmo was isolated at the door of his little wife's painting room, and he was the only one left standing alone, thinking about his mistakes while facing the door.

Di Yanmo didn't dare to break in, otherwise, the little wife would sleep in the study for one month instead of two months, and he would be miserable.

Di Yanmo forced a handsome face, thought for a while, and decided to find two buns to help coax mommy.

The little wife loves the two buns so much, as long as the two buns make them happy, then he will take the opportunity to admit his mistake.

The success rate of the little wife in dispelling her anger is still very high.

At this moment, Di Yanmo, what kind of ruthlessness is there? Shashen and everything are floating clouds.

The current him is just an ordinary husband who pissed off his wife and wanted to coax her back.

Thinking of doing it, Di Yanmo immediately went downstairs to the garden to find two buns to plan.

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