My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 863 Dad knew he was wrong, Mommy forgive Dad, okay?

As for Lin Qian Yi in the studio, she smiled brightly, her handsome face was full of arrogance, as if she had won something.

Immediately, as if thinking of something, he walked to the easel and put on a large piece of drawing paper.

Looking at the drawing paper in front of her, Lin Qian Yi was lost in thought.

She was thinking about what kind of painting she should draw for Yao Wenxi.

A moment later, Yao Wenxi's gentle smile suddenly appeared in Lin Qian Yi's mind, pure and without impurities.

Lin Qian Yi curled her lips into a smile, she knew what to draw now.

Thinking of doing it, Lin Qian Yi immediately picked up the brush beside her and started.

Soon, it was time for lunch.

On the table.

"Mommy, Mommy, this is what Dad gave to Mommy, can Mommy forgive Dad?"

Di Moxin's little bun held a red rose picked from the garden in his little hand, ran to Mummy and handed it to Mummy.

"Mommy, this is what Daddy gave to Mommy. Daddy knows it's wrong. Mommy forgive Daddy, okay?"

Di Mo Shenda Baozi also held a red rose and handed it to his mother.

The two buns stood in front of Mummy, blinking their big eyes and looking at their Mummy expectantly.

Dad just said that only success is not allowed, and failure is not allowed, and there will be no cake in the future.

This is simply the threat of thorn fruit, is there any!

For the two buns, their daddy has no morals in front of mommy.

Therefore, as Baozi, they could only obediently listen to what Dad said.

Looking at the expectant eyes of the two buns, Lin Qian Yi took the two red roses.

"Good boy, where's Daddy?"

Lin Qian Yi smiled and rubbed the heads of the two buns.

Lin Qian Yi knew that the two buns must have been threatened by the unscrupulous fourth master again.

Therefore, she did not say that she did not forgive, but instead asked the culprit of the two buns.

For my own mother, the two buns are unsuspecting.

So, the two buns betrayed their daddy in unison, "Daddy is in the kitchen."

After getting the answer, Lin Qian Yi told the two buns to sit down obediently, ready to have lunch.

At the same time, Lin Qian Yi took a deep breath and said to the kitchen, "Uncle Chen, we are all here, please start dinner."

"Okay ma'am, please wait a moment, it will be fine soon."

Uncle Chen's voice came from the kitchen.

After a while, Uncle Chen asked his servants to bring out several dishes one after another.

Then, Lin Qian Yi saw her fourth master, who finally emerged from the kitchen.

However, what surprised Lin Qian Yi was that her fourth master was actually holding a big plate in his hand?

Although Lin Qian Yi was puzzled, Chi Guoguo ignored her fourth master and called two steamed buns for dinner.

Seeing that mommy still ignored daddy, the two buns looked at their daddy eagerly, as if saying: They have tried their best.

Seeing that the two steamed buns failed, Di Yanmo carefully looked at his little wife.

Then he plucked up the courage to walk over and put the big dish in his hand in front of his little wife.

Looking at the covered dish in front of her, Lin Qian Yi raised her eyebrows slightly, and squinted at her fourth master to see what tricks he was up to.

After his little wife finally took care of him, Di Yanmo was overjoyed and said, "This is the dish I prepared all morning."

"Then what?"

Seeing her fourth master's cautious appearance, Lin Qian Yi couldn't help but laugh in her heart. The villain in her heart had her tail up to the sky.

"I was wrong, Yiyi forgive me, okay?"

Di Yanmo said pitifully, and immediately lifted the lid off the big saucer.

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