My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 864 Fourth master's egg shattered all over the floor?

After seeing clearly what was on the big plate, Lin Qian Yi was slightly taken aback, and then smiled brightly.

I saw a small person made of fried eggs on the big plate, and the small person was crying.

To be precise, it was pitifully speaking with a red rose, as if admitting a mistake and begging for forgiveness.

Seeing his little wife laughing, Di Yanmo immediately struck while the iron was hot, conjuring a rose out of nowhere, and handing it to his little wife pitifully.

"I was wrong, forgive me, okay?"

At this time, Di Yanmo's appearance was very much like a villain made of fried eggs on a big plate.

"Mommy, Mommy, please forgive Daddy. Daddy has been in the kitchen all morning just to coax Mommy."

Di Mo Xinbian was eating while helping his father to talk.

Of course, these words of hers were exactly what Dad asked her to say.

However, it is absolutely impossible to let Mommy know.

Regarding Xiao Baozi's assist, Di Yanmo glanced at her appreciatively.

Seeing the interaction between the two, Lin Qian Yi knew that it must be her family's fourth master who did the trick.

However, my fourth master has worked hard all morning for himself, and he has worked hard without credit.

Then she will be a big adult, forgive fourth master.

Lin Qian Yi opened her mouth, just about to say forgive her fourth master.

However, at this moment, Di Moshen suddenly uttered a sentence that is astonishing as death.

"Mommy, Daddy broke the eggs all over the floor just to coax Mommy. Daddy knows he was wrong. Mommy forgive Daddy."

Di Mo looked at his mother coolly with a small face, completely unaware of what a ridiculous thing he said.

"Pfft ha ha ha ha—"

Lin Qian Yi couldn't hold it back, and immediately burst out laughing, almost bursting into tears.

Broken egg?

These few words really had to make her think crookedly.

However, she can be sure that her big bun was definitely not intentional.

Even Chen Bo, who was standing aside watching the play, had a bright smile on his old face when he heard Di Moshen's words.

Looking at his young master's eyes, he brought such a little bit of pity.

The young master's egg is broken on the ground, can you still pick it up?

It has to be said that Uncle Chen, who has lived for most of his life, is also thinking avant-garde.

Seeing his little wife laughing heartlessly, Di Yanmo immediately complained.

That resentful gaze was staring straight at his little wife like a hundred thousand electric volts.

And the two buns on the opposite side looked confused, why did their mommy suddenly laugh?

Did you forgive Daddy?

The two buns blinked, looked at each other silently, then looked away, and obediently ate.

As long as Mommy forgives Daddy, they can eat cake again in the future.

Sensing the strong resentment of her fourth master, Lin Qian Yi tried her best to hold back her smile, and rubbed her head with her hand.

"Okay, I forgive you, puhaha—"

In just five seconds, Lin Qian Yi failed again, burst out laughing, and slightly curved her bright eyes.

"However, what do you do with the eggs that are scattered all over the place? Hahahaha——"

Lin Qian Yi couldn't stop laughing, as if she had been hit by a laughing point, especially when she saw the villain in front of her frying eggs, she laughed even harder.

Angry and helpless, Di Yanmo quickly put the lid back on and said to Chen Bo, "Take this thing back to the kitchen and throw it away!"

Apparently, Di Yanmo was getting angry from embarrassment.

However, his pair of big hands supported his little wife, preventing her from laughing too crazy.

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